Marine Accessories

There are a wide range of marine accessories for Cummins engines, including oil management systems, filter media systems and more.

Cummins Marine Accessories


C Command Electronics

C Command is a modular panel system designed to help marine operators protect and enhance engine performance and manage costs.



The CENTINEL Advanced Engine Oil Management System works to reduce oil change costs and engine damage.


ELIMINATOReliminator filter system

The ELIMINATOR for marine engines consists of a two-stage filter media system that lowers operation costs by eliminating the need for disposable oil filters.


Pre-lube for QuickEvac

Pre-Lube with QuickEvac is an engine-mounted pump with off-engine mounted controls that reduces engine wear and reduces oil change time.


Zeus propulsion system

Zeus and the Cummins Inboard Joystick

Cummins is leading the industry with the world’s most advanced marine propulsion system, Zeus®. 

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