Across our entire product range, Cummins Tier 4 Final power continues to maximize productivity and reliability across a wide range of machines, rugged duty cycles and tough environments.

Take a look below for our power offerings at Tier 4 Final.

49 – 74 hp Engines
U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV low-emissions regulations for the 49 – 74 hp node took effect Jan 1, 2013. To meet the power demands of this node, Cummins offers the QSF2.8 engine, a 4-cylinder engine with a fully passive Exhaust System that includes a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) to achieve the Tier 4 Final emissions standards.

75 – 173 hp Engines
U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV low-emissions regulations for the 75 – 173 hp node take effect Jan 1, 2015. To meet the power demands of this node, Cummins offers three engines:

QSF3.8 (75 – 130 hp)
QSB4.5 (121 – 173 hp)
QSB6.7 (146 – 173 hp)

The QSF3.8 achieves Tier 4 Final emissions standards through the use of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) in the Exhaust System. The QSB4.5 and QSB6.7 achieve Tier 4 Final emissions regulations through the use of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and SCR in the Exhaust System.

174 – 751 hp Engines
U.S EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV low-emissions for the 173 – 751 hp node take effect Jan 1, 2014. To meet the power demands for this node, Cummins offers four engines:

QSB6.7 (174-310 hp)
QSL9 (250 – 400 hp)
QSG12 (335 – 512 hp)
QSX15 (450 – 675 hp)

The QSB6.7 and QSL9 achieve Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV standards by combining Cummins Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), providing class leading power output, power density and transient response.

The QSG12 and QSX15 engines achieve the 2014 EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV emissions standards with the combination of Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) with SCR, allowing maximum torque and power output.

>751 Horsepower Engines
Cummins High Horsepower products, the QSK Series of 19-liter to 78-liter engines, move forward to meet the EPA Tier 4 Final 2015 off-highway emissions with a combination of clean in-cylinder combustion and integrated Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) aftertreatment. PM emissions are reduced by 80 percent to meet the 0.04 g/kW-hr level for Tier 4 Final, as compared to Tier 2 levels.


Case Study Actions

Cummins helps build the Australian cotton industry


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Cummins Powers Global Growth in Almond Production


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Cummins powers GUSS - the world's first autonomous orchard sprayer


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Cummins Tier 4 Final power for the Apache sprayer range


Cummins Performance Series Enables Engine Downsizing for Bandit Industries Whole Tree Chipper


Cummins Powers the Future of Agriculture


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