System Level Controls and Switchgear

Your access to total power system control
Cummins Power Generation has been designing reliable paralleling power solutions since the early 1960s for a wide range of applications.
These decades of experience translate into a deep knowledge of the power system controls space, the philosophy of operation, and into thousands of possible failure modes.
Whether for simple or complex systems, or for the integration of renewables and new power technologies, we take the complexity out of power systems so that you can focus on the big picture, while Cummins experts deliver every detail from concept, to design, to testing, installation and service - for any application, anywhere.
Digital Master Controls

Our suite of fully integrated supervisory control systems provide more functionality and robust controls than any other system level control available in the market.
Functions and controls include built-in touchscreens, on-site access with multiple security levels, remote access with email and text notifications as well as reporting.
The PowerCommand® Digital Master controls are designed, manufactured, tested and third party certified to UL891, IEC 61439-2, CSA 22.2, Seismic and CE and provide world-class functionality reliability and quality.

Cummins Power Generation is the industry leader in designing the most reliable and advanced paralleling switchgear and system level controls. Utilizing state-of-the-art PowerCommand technology and architecture to precisely control and manage sources to ensure power is delivered to the loads.
Our switchgear solutions offering will meet all of your low and medium voltage application needs, from single utility and load bus to multiple utilities and load buses arranged in any topology such as:
- Isolated bus
- Isolated bus with generator main
- Common bus
- Single transfer pair
- Main tie main
- Multiple transfer pairs,
- or any other custom topology
Complete system integration

Every component of Cummins Integrated Power Systems has been completely designed and built by Cummins and have been factory tested to ensure the highest reliability in the industry.
From generator sets and paralleling controls, to system level controls, switchgear and transfer switches, to the components that make up a microgrid, and digital solutions to allow for remote monitoring, Cummins is with you every step of the way from planning and design to commissioning and service upgrades for the lifecycle of the system.