Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and grow your business with the help of our experts and cutting-edge sustainable power technologies.
We will help you grow towards a sustainable future
Get the job done
Using reliable, high-performance products and technology tailored to your application will ensure your job is done right.
Deliver your financials
Optimize your total cost of ownership without sacrificing dependability and environmental impact.
Improve environmental sustainability
Let us help you dial in the right equipment to meet your near-term environmental goals while keeping your business on the longer-term track toward zero emissions.
Invest in yourself
Elevate your skills and career by reading, watching, and listening to the latest in technologies and news within your sector.
The communities you serve will depend on your vision to light the way, because you always deliver. Together, we can get the world running smarter and cleaner without hitting pause.
Get the job done, no compromises
Engineered for endurance
Experience the X15N™: Better durability, performance, thanks to customer feedback.
Reliable power for Digital Realty
Discover how Cummins safeguarded Digital Realty’s data center with cutting-edge generators, ensuring seamless and reliable power for critical operations.
Software for a reliable service network
The role of data and software in vehicle servicing and keeping vehicles on the road and fleets operating at peak performance.
Deliver your financials, every quarter, every year
Economic benefits of natural gas engines
Discover the economic potential: Save on fuel costs, maintenance, and enjoy incentives with natural gas engines.
Interruptible facility generates savings
See how this power system reduced rates during peak demand and generated annual savings of $250,000 to $300,000.
Achieve the lowest cost of production in mining
Learn about strategies to optimize costs and maximize production, sustainably. See how engines impact cost of production.
Improve environmental sustainability, avoid compromising performance
NOx/GHG reductions without compromise to performance
Knight Transportation tests Cummins' X15N natural gas engine with Clean Energy's fuel, slashing emissions.
Field testing of hybrid mining truck
Field testing begins for a hybrid diesel-battery mining truck, aiming for improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.
Hydrogen engines in off-highway
Learn about hydrogen engines' versatility, low-carbon benefits, and infrastructure solutions for off-highway applications.
Invest in yourself, expand your knowledge
How wil ECUs evolve through the energy transition?
Dive into the future of ECUs an learn how they will adapt to the energy transition.
Takeaways from EPA’s new rule
Dive into EPA's latest emissions rule and see what you need to know.
What is a microgrid?
Microgrids bring multiple energy resources together to provide flexible autonomous power solutions.
Find the right solution for your industry
Your application requires unique solutions. Work with us to choose a technology that meets you where you are while lessening your impact on the environment.