Cummins Genuine Parts

genuine cummins parts box
Built for durability, longevity, and dependability

Cummins Genuine Parts are built to exact specifications for our products, and made using materials and procedures that match our dependable products. This is why our parts are better than non-genuine parts.

Browse our parts catalog, find your Engine Serial Number, and learn more about why Genuine Parts are the best for your Cummins products.

There is a difference
Relying on Genuine Cummins Parts is the best way to ensure the long life of your engine.
Engine Serial Numbers
Find the parts you need by identifying your Cummins ESN.

Digital Products and Services Support

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Resources for Cummins digital products

Cummins' software, mobile applications, and digital hardware help you get the most out of your Cummins-powered equipment. Find resources and support information for digital tools.


Manuals and Technical Documents


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