GTA855e Stoichiometric Gas Series


60, 50 Hz

Fuel Type


Rated for kW kVA
Prime 224 280
Standby 138 - 245 172 - 306


Non-Regulated, EPA NSPS Certified, EPA NSPS and MOH Certified, EPA NSPS Compliant Capable

Product Availability

Africa Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America, North America


G-Drive - Rental
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G-Drive - Crushing / Mining
G-Drive - Oil and Gas
G-Drive - Standby
GTA855e Stoichiometric Gas Series G-Drive Engine

This Gas Low Emissions Series provides various 14 liter engines based on your power generation needs. Our continuous applications deliver extreme durability, long life, and dependability, while our standby applications supply unmatched transient capability through the ability to pick up block load while meeting NFPA 110 requirements. Within this flexible series, the GTA855e models meet EPA emissions certification and supply air fuel ratio control through Cummins ECMs, the complete Cummins Control System.

Features & Benefits

Aspiration: Naturally aspirated, ultimately increasing economic efficiency and reducing costs, or turbocharged using the Cummins Turbo Technologies Turbocharger for increased power and fuel economy.

Applications: Integrated designs in both standby and continuous applications.

Ignition System: Altronic CD200 Ignition System, which can be easily adjusted when necessary.

Fuel System: Maxitrol RV81 Regulator or the more durable Fisher CS400 Regulator, depending on the duty cycle of the engine, whether standby or continuous.

Fuel Capability: Continuous applications in the GTA855 and GTA855e models offer the capability to operate on propane with no derate.

Cooling System: 2 pump, 2 loop Cooling System or 1 pump, 1 loop system for simple cooling integration.

Service and Support: Gas G-Drive products are backed by an uncompromising level of technical support and after sales service, delivered through a world class service network.

Generator Model Hz Prime kVA / kW Standby kVA / kW RPM Fuel Type Certification
GTA855e 60 306 / 245 1800 Gas EPA NSPS Certified
GTA855e 60 280 / 224 1800 EPA NSPS Certified
GTA855e 60 204 / 163 1800 EPA NSPS Certified
GTA855e 60 204 / 163 1800 Non-Regulated
GTA855e 60 204 / 163 1800 EPA NSPS and MOH Certified
GTA855e 50 172 / 138 1500 EPA NSPS Compliant Capable

This Gas Low Emissions Series meets various emissions certifications depending on your power needs. While the G855 and GTA855 models are customer compliant upgradeable, the GTA855e is EPA certified. Sold and operated in the US, these highly efficient models are EPA NSPS Stationary Certified and Tier2 Non-road certified for stationary or mobile applications that are either emergency standby or non-emergency.

Cummins Power Generation provides the best warranty and extended warranty plan in the industry. You can expect Cummins Power Generation and its authorized warranty locations to:

  • Stand behind Cummins Power Generation products.
  • Repair all failures that are a result of defects in materials or factory workmanship by Cummins Power Generation, or arrange for OEM warranty service if component is from another manufacturer.
  • Provide the benefit of the coverage immediately.
  • Treat all customers fairly and consistently.

For specific information regarding your warranty, or for more information regarding our warranties contact your nearest distributor.

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