Cummins Genuine Parts Authentication
Always purchase your Genuine Cummins Parts from a Cummins Distributor or authorized Cummins Dealer. Find a Cummins location near you.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Cummins Genuine Parts Authentication
Q: My package doesn’t include the new label, is it Genuine?
A: Full transition to the new label will take a few years as existing inventory (without the new label) won’t be relabeled. Additional factors like sales volume and inventory policies at local level may extend that transition.
To ensure you have a Genuine Cummins product, always purchase from a Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer.
Q: I didn’t buy the part from Cummins, but it says Cummins on the package.
A: If the package includes the new label you can validate by utilizing the validation website. You can visit your local Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer for confirmation.
Q: I have a counterfeit part, how will this be resolved?
A: Go to and complete the suspicious product form, a Cummins representative will be in touch to further assist.
You can also reach out to your local Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer for assistance.
Q: How do I get a replacement part?
A: If you submit the suspicious label form, a Cummins representative will be in touch with next steps. Otherwise, reach out to your local Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer for assistance.
Q: Will I be refunded?
A: A proper claim process and investigation must be done before approving any refund or replacement. Always purchase Cummins products direct from a Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer.
Q: How quickly will someone respond to my request?
A: The time to process your report and receive instructions for further steps – if required – will be a maximum of 10 working days.
Q: The part I bought has the new label but not the three translations, is it counterfeit?
Enter your code on the validation website to confirm if your product is a Genuine Cummins part. All part description translations should be included on the new label by 2024.
Q: As a customer, how can I avoid counterfeit products?
A: Always purchase Cummins products direct from a Cummins distributor or authorized Cummins dealer. Report suspicious activity and packaging that looks like a genuine product. When you purchase Genuine Cummins products, remove the Cummins packaging label and discard it once validation is complete.
Environmental Labelling – Italian
The Italian Packaging Labelling Requirements (Legislative Decree no. 3 of September 2020) came into force on 1st January 2023. This legislation implements EU Directive 2018/851 on waste and EU Directive 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste.
To support our customers in identifying the packaging used we have made our packaging information available through the QR code.