How To Make a Generator Quiet for Camping
By Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader

Imagine this: it’s camping season. You’ve planned the perfect trip, and the RV is ready to go. You load up the family (or pets, or just yourself), get to your site, and set up camp. You spend the day hiking and relaxing, and then it’s time to turn in. You lay down to rest, but what’s that outside? A loud generator.
With a little planning and a dash of ingenuity, this is entirely avoidable. We’ve collected some of the best advice for quieting a loud generator, so read on before you set off.
How loud is a portable generator?
As you would expect, some portable generators are quieter than others. Additionally, there are different methods for measuring generator noise levels. For a clear understanding of what decibel levels mean, it’s important to compare apples to apples. Online calculators like this simple one enable you to better understand the level of noise to expect based on distance from the generator. Once you’ve determined the decibel level, you can make a more informed decision about what level of noise is too much noise for you.
For the sake of comparison, the average noise level of a conversation between two people is about 60 dB—roughly the same as an air conditioner. A washing machine or dishwasher’s noise level falls between 70 and 85 dB. Gas-powered lawn mowers and motorcycles have decibel levels that are comparable to that of portable generators, 80-95 dB. It is around this decibel range that the noise can cause hearing damage with prolonged exposure. For example, the CDC advises that a motorcycle with a decibel level of 95 can start damaging one’s hearing after about 50 minutes of exposure.
If you’re shopping for a quiet RV generator, pay attention to the noise rating. When looking at a portable generator’s specs, know that the decibel range usually indicates the noise level in relation to the generator being set up 7 meters away. This means it will be louder than advertised if you set it up closer to your site, and quieter the further away you can position it.
Assuming you already have a portable generator, let’s take a look at some ways you can ensure it is as quiet as possible.
Reducing generator noise
There are a couple of different ways to think about reducing generator noise, and we’ll cover both. We’ll start with a few tips for setting up your generator to minimize noise, and then give you a few ideas of modifications you can perform to quiet a noisy generator.
Generator positioning and placement
Where you set up your generator can make a big difference in the amount of noise you’ll have to deal with. Here are some tips for setting up your generator in a way that won’t keep you awake all night:
- Set the generator up a little further away, if possible. If you’re in a tight, crowded campground, this may not be an option—if moving your generator further from you means moving it closer to neighbors. If you do have ample space to spread out a bit, then you can move it as far away as your extension cord will stretch.
- Place the generator on a surface that will dampen the noise (rather than increase it). Dirt and grass work perfectly well, while hard surfaces like concrete, wood, or asphalt simply increase the noise. In a pinch, too, you can always employ an anti-vibration mat (typically made of rubber) to adapt an otherwise-hard surface.
- Face the generator’s exhaust either straight up, or away from your campsite. This simply diverts the exhaust noise away from you, effectively quieting the generator. Make absolutely sure to point the exhaust away from the top area of the coach where vents are located, as they could draw in carbon monoxide.
DIY modifications
If you’re a little bit handy, there are some relatively easy, DIY-type modifications you can make for generator noise reduction. Here are a few:
- Make sure the generator’s muffler is undamaged and functioning properly. It could be that it’s time to replace the muffler.
- Use sound deflectors, a quick and easy method of reducing generator noise. A simple option for sound deflectors is to use plywood or drywall between the generator and your location to deflect the sound. Never block the exhaust or prevent necessary airflow.
Start with quiet, reliable power
Don’t let a noisy generator wreck your relaxation. If you’re looking for a quiet generator you can depend on—so you don’t have to perform the modifications described in this post—start with Cummins. In addition to generators like the Onan QG 2800i that offer impressive power with reduced noise and vibration, we also sell a range of reliable portable generators. Whichever you choose, you can count on quiet, reliable power.
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Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader
Cummins Inc., a global power solutions leader, comprises five business segments – Components, Engine, Distribution, Power Systems, and Accelera by Cummins – supported by its global manufacturing and extensive service and support network, skilled workforce and vast technological expertise. Cummins is committed to its Destination Zero strategy – the company’s commitment to sustainability and helping its customers successfully navigate the energy transition with its broad portfolio of products. Cummins has approximately 69,900 employees and earned $3.9 billion on sales of $34.1 billion in 2024. See how Cummins is leading the world toward a future of smarter, cleaner power at
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