Steep Increase in Community Service Hours

By Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications

Cummins employees significantly increased their participation in community involvement activities in 2012, recording a more than 60 percent increase in both employee participation and hours invested.

“Corporate Responsibility is one of our company's core values,” said Gwen Langley, Director – Global Community Engagement. “Cummins is committed to serving and improving the communities in which we live, so it's extremely gratifying to see our employees living this core value in such a meaningful way around the world."

More than 27,000 Cummins employees worked on community service projects in 2012, a 63 percent increase over the 16,500 employees who participated in the Company’s Every Employee Every Community (EEEC) initiative in 2011.

Employees worked more than 221,000 hours on EEEC activities in 2012, an increase of about 90,000 hours over the 130,000 hours logged on community improvement efforts in 2011. That’s about a 70 percent increase over the year before.

About 62 percent of Cummins employees participated in community involvement activities in 2012, meeting the company’s overall participation goal for the year.

Under the EEEC program, Cummins pays for employees to work on community projects for at least four hours per year. Employees can work more on company time with the permission of their supervisor.

Working through a network of more than 200 employee-led Community Involvement Teams (CITs), Cummins employees tackled a wide range of activities in 2012, ranging from addressing traffic congestion in Pune, India, to growing fresh vegetables for the hungry in Africa and developing assistive technology for people with disabilities in Minnesota and the United Kingdom.

Engagement is the underpinning of Cummins’ responsibility to its communities – employees around the globe using their skills to make their communities better places to live and work.

Employee engagement, however, not only benefits communities. It strengthens the Company by providing valuable leadership experience and employee pride and makes Cummins a more attractive place to work, helping to attract the best and brightest employees.

“I’m proud to work for a corporation that is so committed to giving back to our communities,” said Ben Slaton, VPI Program Coordinator at the Columbus Engine Plant and co-leader of the CIT there.

Slaton helped organize a Habitat for Humanity project in 2012 to build homes for southern Indiana residents whose residences were destroyed by tornadoes earlier in the year. Some 600 Cummins employees participated, helping to build 10 new homes.

Cummins focuses its engagement on three global priority areas:

  • Education – Improving the quality and alignment of educational systems to ensure that the students of today are ready for the workforce of tomorrow.
  • Environment – Ensuring that everything we do leads to a cleaner, healthier and safer environment.
  • Social Justice/Equality of Opportunity – Increasing opportunity and equity for those most in need.

Corporate Responsibility staff attributes the increase to several factors. The Company implemented a new web-based system to better track employee engagement activities. In addition, Cummins has worked hard to support and promote engagement in all of the Company’s business units. But mostly they say it reflects the dedication and hard work of Cummins employees.

“I’m constantly amazed what can happen when we harness our employees’ skills, dedication and passion to address community problems,” Langley said.

Author Profiles

blair claflin director of sustainability communications

Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications

Blair Claflin is the Director of Sustainability Communications for Cummins Inc. Blair joined the Company in 2008 as the Diversity Communications Director. Blair comes from a newspaper background. He worked previously for the Indianapolis Star (2002-2008) and for the Des Moines Register (1997-2002) prior to that.  

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