Cummins Turns Landfill Gas Into Power for Delaware Customers

Dignitaries including Delaware Gov. Jack A. Markell attended a ground breaking ceremony this summer for an innovative energy solution at Croda Inc. in Delaware featuring Cummins’ combined heat and power systems running on landfill gas.

Construction started earlier this summer on a first of its kind project for Cummins that will use landfill gas and the Company’s combined heat and power (CHP) systems to provide industrial customers in Delaware with a clean, sustainable source of energy.

The first recipient will be Croda Inc.’s Atlas Point chemical manufacturing plant in New Castle, Del. Croda, a global company with operations in 33 countries, estimates the project will provide enough energy to cover about 55 percent of its operations at Atlas Point.

Over the next two years, the City of Wilmington’s Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Port of Wilmington will join the system, also using Cummins’ combined heat and power systems running on landfill gas.

“Croda has a global goal to obtain 25 percent of its energy needs from non-fossil sources by 2015 and we are excited that this venture will help us achieve that goal,” said Croda Inc. President Kevin Gallagher, who estimates Croda’s investment will pay for itself in five or six years.

The project has gotten the attention of Delaware Gov. Jack A. Markell. He applauded Croda at a groundbreaking ceremony for the $6 million project on June 7 (2012).

“This project saves energy costs for a company that has chosen to locate here while putting more people to work,” Markell said. “We applaud Croda’s investment in Delaware, both environmentally and economically.”

Don Gesick, Cummins’ General Manager – Energy Solutions, said Cummins is excited to take a leadership role in providing Croda and its other customers with a “comprehensive, efficient and green solution.”

“Instead of the landfill gas being flared into the atmosphere, this system brings the gas directly to Croda and our other partners, reducing emissions,” he added. “The CHP system then allows for maximum productive use of the renewable energy.”

Construction on the Croda project started in June and is expected to wrap up sometime in the fall of 2012. Croda estimates the initiative will replace 2.2 megawatts of utility-supplied electricity, reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to removing 33,000 passenger cars from the road.

The wastewater treatment plant project, part of an overall city Sustainable Energy Initiative costing $50.5 million, will be even bigger. The city expects to produce 4.4 megawatts of energy – essentially enough power to take the plant off the grid if officials wanted.

The Port of Wilmington is looking for a system to generate about 2 megawatts of power to help meet its overall power needs.

While it’s fairly common for landfills to use the gas they generate to power aspects of their operations or create energy that they then sell to a utility, rarely is the gas pumped off site to meet the energy needs of multiple companies and agencies. The use of CHP systems to get the most of the energy produced makes this initiative even more unusual.

Here’s how the project works: Cummins Power Generation obtained the right to use the landfill gas from the Delaware Solid Waste

Authority, which runs the 500-acre Cherry Island Landfill. The gas is currently being released by means of a flare to keep it from building up in the landfill.

More than 50 percent of landfill materials are organics and suitable for anaerobic digestion that yields biogas, typically about 50 percent methane. Gas-powered generator sets and on-site power plants can be designed to run on gas with low or variable energy content.

When the Delaware project is up and running, the gas will be collected and conditioned at the landfill, then piped to Croda and the other customers. The Croda plant is about four miles from the landfill.

Once it reaches its destination, the gas will fuel a Cummins CHP system that will produce electricity while also capturing the heat from generators that otherwise would be lost. Up to 85 percent of the available energy output with a combined heat and power system can be used productively.

The heat captured at Croda will be used in the facility’s boiler system. At the treatment plant, officials plan to use the heat to dry sludge, significantly reducing the volume that then has to be taken to an out-of-state landfill for disposal. The port plans to convert the heat captured by the combined heat and power system to run chillers to cool warehouses used for items like fruits and vegetables.

The solid waste authority says the landfill will generate enough gas for the system for at least 20 years and perhaps twice that long.
Gesick says every landfill situation is a little bit different so he’s not sure if the Cherry Island project will be a model for other customers looking to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. Unlike many landfills, for example, Cherry Island is relatively close to potential customers. Often landfills are located in remote areas.

The Delaware project, however, is an example of the kind of innovative arrangement Cummins Power Generation can develop to meet customers’ needs.

In addition to industry leading generators and CHP systems, Cummins Power Generation offers financing, operations and maintenance programs. It even builds turnkey power systems, handling everything from design to installation and commissioning.

The Cherry Island project received high praise from Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Secretary Collin O’Mara.

“Croda should be commended for deploying one of the cleanest and most efficient energy projects in the nation,” he said at the groundbreaking.

“This project demonstrates innovation and environmental commitment by taking a readily available waste product that previously served no productive purpose – in this case landfill gas – and putting it to work making cleaner and more efficient energy while reducing emissions and fossil fuel dependence.”

Cummins India Limited Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2022


Pune, India: Cummins India Limited (NSE: CUMMINSIND) The Board of Directors of Cummins India Limited (CIL), at their meeting held today, reviewed and approved the financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2022. 

Performance Highlights (based on standalone financial results) for the quarter ended June 30, 2022:

•    Total Sales for the quarter at ₹ 1,657 Cr. increased by 42% compared to the same quarter last year and by 13% compared to the previous quarter.
•    Domestic sales at ₹ 1,172 Cr. increased by 36% compared to the same quarter last year and by 12% compared to the previous quarter.
•    Exports Sales at ₹ 485 Cr. increased by 58% compared to the same quarter last year and by 14% compared to the previous quarter.
•    Profit before exceptional items and tax at ₹278 Cr. is higher by 63% compared to the same quarter last year and higher by 14% compared to the previous quarter.
•    Profit before tax at ₹264 Cr. is lower by 13% compared to the same quarter last year and higher by 8% compared to the previous quarter.

Ashwath Ram, Managing Director, Cummins India Limited, said: 

The new fiscal year started positively with strong demand from most end markets. GST monthly collections, higher highway construction annual targets, and increased consumption of petroleum products reaffirms the strength of underlying trade activities. Geopolitical risk, high inflation, and supply chain disruptions continue to pose challenges. Cummins India can effectively meet demand despite these issues due to its integrated supply chain management with a global network. While we effectively deal with challenges and closely monitor any potential impact of rising interest rates on the demand, we remain optimistic about the short to medium-term demand outlook. 

Future Outlook:

The company believes that the strong demand from various end markets may likely sustain. At the same time, high inflation and supply chain issues will, in all probability, continue to impact the industry. The company, being part of the globally integrated supply chain, is well positioned to manage parts supplies to mitigate the impact on revenue and profitability. We are closely monitoring the result of the geopolitical events unfolding in different parts of the world and their impact on global demand and supply chain. Considering the uncertainty, the company will not provide any guidance for FY 23.

About Cummins India Limited 

Cummins India Limited, part of the Cummins Group in India, is headquartered in Pune since 1962 and is the country's leading manufacturer of diesel and natural gas engines for power generation, industrial and automotive markets. Cummins India Limited has a country-wide network of 20 dealerships with over 450 service points that provides products, services, and after-market solutions for uptime of Cummins equipment and engines to customers in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. 

About Cummins Group in India:

Cummins in India, a power leader, is a group of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute, and service engines and related technologies, including fuel systems, air handling, filtration, emission solutions, and electrical power generation systems. Its technology and pioneering initiatives are bringing innovative solutions and dependable services at the best possible value to users across the country. Its high-performance outlook is based on customer focus, integrity, and capability of its people. Part of the $19.8 billion Cummins Inc. USA. Cummins in India is a Group of seven legal entities across 200 locations in the country with a combined turnover of ₹17,900 crores in 2021 and employing over 10,000 individuals. Learn more at

Cummins salutes its star dealers in U.K. and Ireland for their exceptional performance


Cummins, a global power leader, has bestowed prestigious awards to three of its dealers in the UK and Ireland.

The trio – Vasi Southern Ltd, Universal Components UK Ltd and CSL Power Systems Ltd – were recognised for their outstanding focus on customer satisfaction and for delivering exceptional performance and results.

Relating to the 2021 calendar year, the awards cover a period when the UK and Irish economies were still coming to terms with the disruption caused by the Covid pandemic.

Customers of Cummins, spread across a variety of business sectors, looked to their local dealer to provide the continuity of service that was essential if they were to trade through the toughest of times.

All three Cummins award winners demonstrably went above and beyond what their customers were expecting.

Vasi Southern Ltd is an approved parts and service dealer based in the port city of Southampton. It specialises in marine engines and Onan generator sets. The company won the same award in 2020 and its back-to-back success was down to a commitment to increasing revenue and achieving all of its key performance targets.

Simon Green – Vasi Southern Ltd
Simon Green – Vasi Southern Ltd

Universal Components UK Ltd is an approved parts dealer based in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. In 2021, it achieved the highest sales growth by any dealer within the Cummins UK and Ireland network. Its strategic stockholding meant the business could ride out supply challenges while continuing to target new markets and geographical locations.

Rick Lewis & Stuart Ponsonby – Universal Components
Rick Lewis & Stuart Ponsonby – Universal Components

CSL Power Systems Ltd, based in Kent with additional resource availability nationwide is an approved Power Generation sales and service dealer. The company is a specialist in the installation and maintenance of industrial generator sets, including units for banks and commercial buildings.

Kurt Gozzett & Todd Trent – CSL Power Systems
Kurt Gozzett & Todd Trent – CSL Power Systems

As well as achieving all its key performance targets, CSL Power Systems Ltd demonstrated a clear desire to grow its operations, proactively promoting the Cummins product.

Graham Cook, Cummins’ Dealer Manager for UK and Ireland, praised the award-winning dealers for their commitment, commenting: “Our authorised dealers throughout the UK and Ireland form an integral part of our sales network. Vasi Southern, Universal Components and CSL Power Systems demonstrated their commitment and capabilities through 2021, further strengthening the channel, maximising profitable aftermarket growth, and delivering excellent customer support.

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