Cummins India’s Fuel Cell Council Dedicates Itself to Improving Fuel Economy
By Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications

We don’t walk to places like people once did. We use our cars to get to work, the store, a friend’s house, everywhere; as a result, fuel efficient vehicles are in high demand. But the demand reaches further than just your average car or truck. Cummins On-Highway customers want to improve their fuel economy too.
That’s why in 2014, the Cummins India Area Business Office created a council dedicated to identifying and working on projects that improve our India On-Highway products’ overall fuel efficiency. The council, known as the Fuel Economy Cell, is made up of both Cummins and Tata Motors Limited personnel.
Direct customer feedback during the Net Promoter System® (NPS) process − a tool Cummins uses to measure, understand and improve upon customer feedback − confirmed the need for heavier focus on fuel economy in India. One customer said, “Cummins was a fuel economy and technology leader, but when [a competitor] introduced a vehicle with better fuel economy, Cummins ISBe5.9 struggled to keep up.”
With customer voices like these ringing in their ears and a goal set to ensure Cummins Joint Venture Tata Motors forged ahead of the competition, Engine Business employees in Cummins India took action.
As a result of the outstanding customer improvement project that led to the Fuel Economy Cell, Neema Nair was the 2014 Engine Business NPS Improvement Gold Medalist. The Fuel Economy Cell (or FE Cell) has already identified fuel economy improvements for immediate change. These projects have achieved some great things!
Author Profiles

Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications
Blair Claflin is the Director of Sustainability Communications for Cummins Inc. Blair joined the Company in 2008 as the Diversity Communications Director. Blair comes from a newspaper background. He worked previously for the Indianapolis Star (2002-2008) and for the Des Moines Register (1997-2002) prior to that.