The Calm During the Storm

By Michael Nagel, Leader - Global Brand



You immediately sit upright in bed. It’s 3:23 a.m. and it’s happening again. The wind is howling against your window and there’s an unsettling roar in the air. You can see flashes of lightning through the curtains.

The dog doesn’t like it either. He’s pacing the floor and panting. It’s easy to tell he’s not used to storms like this... Back home in California, your friends would have thought this was the Apocalypse. In fact, you remember thinking the same thing during the first Oklahoma storm experience that welcomed you to your new job assignment nearly 60 days ago. It’s still unsettling.

f you have a Cummins generator, then you already know how important a backup plan is. If you have a Cummins residential generator, then you already know how important a backup plan is.


You flip on the TV to check the radar, “Just another storm,” the weatherman says. Widespread power outages are glossed over as though they are the norm. You roll your eyes. What does it take to get the meteorologists in this town fired up?

Then, your daughter comes bursting into the room crying. She’s terrified of the dark. She climbs into bed with you, completely beside herself. The last time there was a storm like this, the power went out for hours and she was crying alone in her room, afraid to walk through the hallway to your room for help. She had been shaken up for days. In her mind, it’s only a matter of time before the power is out again.

You smile, pull her tight, and tell her it’s going to be okay. And this time, you are confident in saying so. This storm is different. You’ve learned quite a bit in the last 60 days. For one, your neighbors told you about Cummins Power Generation. When you live in tornado alley, having a residential standby generator is an essential home accessory. Of course, you were already familiar with Cummins. Your diesel truck has nearly 200,000 miles on it and still purrs like new. It has always delivered regardless of what you threw at it.

Since 2000, the number of reported power outages - including those related to weather - has been on the rise nationwide

You know you can trust your backup power from Cummins to perform in the same way because it powers homes and businesses across the country. In fact Cummins Power Generation has been providing standby and emergency power solutions for 90-plus years.

Since 2000, the number of reported power outages - including weather-related outages - has been on the rise. On top of that, the U.S. Department of Energy reports that one-third of all companies impacted by a power outage lose up to a half million dollars per power failure with IT systems disruptions.

There’s another crack of thunder and the lights flicker out, but just like your old truck, Cummins comes through. This time, the power is restored to your home in just seconds.

Learn more about Cummins standby power at and on Facebook, or use our online power calculator to estimate the perfect amount of backup power for your home.


Author Profiles

Michael Nagel - Cummins Inc

Michael Nagel, Leader - Global Brand

Michael Nagel is the Leader - Global Brand at Cummins Inc. As a member of the external communications team at Cummins, he has more than 15 years of digital communications and traditional public relations experience, with a focus on digital communications, corporate brand and content marketing. Michael earned his B.A. from the Indiana University School of Journalism - Indianapolis and currently resides in Indianapolis. 

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