I Am #HeForShe: Cummins Sourcing Manager, Chad Buehler


These Cummins employees have each taken the UN’s #HeForShe pledge, joining over 1.3 million individuals who are taking action to create a gender-equal world. We’ll feature one profile a day starting Monday, March 6, 2017 through Friday, March 10, 2017.

The second Q&A in our #HeForShe profile series features Chad Buehler, a sourcing manager for Cummins.

Q. What is your motivation/reason to be an advocate for women and gender equality?

"My wife is in a STEM field and I truly hope to be blessed with a daughter someday (I didn’t have a sister). If I can get engaged now, and advocate for gender equality to hopefully progress companies and society, it may offer more opportunities to my family to be truly passionate about what they love to do career-wise and create a level playing field. Additionally, it is simply the right thing ethically to do!"

Q. Do you have any words of advice/wisdom/encouragement for women in the workplace?

"There are two pieces of advice I give to the female employees that I advise: First is to take risks. You don’t have to be 100 percent qualified to go after a role; we must have room for growth so take a risk in your career and go for it.

Second would be that just because you might say “no” early in your career doesn’t mean you must say “no” for your entire career. When the time is right and you want to get more engaged and take on additional responsibility, you owe it to yourself to speak up and have those conversations. Be confident in who you are and the skills you bring to the table."

Q. What are some ways that men can be champions and advocate for gender equality?

"Men should start with becoming educated, which can be accomplished by talking to a mother, spouse, daughter or even a female co-worker. More often than not they may know someone that is affected by gender inequality and can take those learnings and start working for a better world. Utilizing any and all influence you possess in the work place to ensure inclusive environments can make a tremendous impact. Lastly, foster a channel of open communication with managers, employees and peers to encourage discussions about gender equality that may not be understood today."

Related Resources

Hear from the rest of Cummins' gender equality champions in our ongoing #HeForShe profile series.

For more information on the HeForShe movement or to take the #HeForShe pledge, visit HeForShe.org. You can also follow the movement on Twitter and Facebook.

Katherine Vujovich

Katherine Vujovich is a Communication Specialist for Cummins Inc. with a focus on Human Resources communications. Prior to joining Cummins in 2011, she worked for the Chicago White Sox. Katherine is a graduate of Indiana University and lives in Indianapolis.

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