Weather Related Tips for National Preparedness Month

This September, Cummins is partnering with meteorologist and FEMA-certified disaster expert Cheryl Nelson to offer weather preparedness tips for every season through a comprehensive video series and complementary guide available on our home generators website. 

By Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

The guide, downloadable here, provides seasonal advice for safely facing severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, high heat and winter storms, as well as general preparedness tips. In addition, we have specific tips for senior family members, children and pets in our infographic.

While most people know to have water, batteries and canned goods on hand, there are many other critical steps to take when preparing for a severe weather incident. A few of the unique tips found in our severe weather preparedness brochure include:

  • Keep important documents such as birth certificates, insurance cards and medical history on a flash drive.
  • Have a paper map of your area. Remember that your GPS may not work following a disaster.
  • Keep a disaster prep kit in your car in case you need to evacuate quickly or are away from home when disaster strikes.
  • Consider buying flood insurance, but keep in mind it takes 30 days to activate.
  • Invest in a home standby generator to keep your power on in the event of a long-term power outage caused by a disaster.
  • Include a photo of you with your pet in your disaster kit in case you are separated and later need to prove ownership.

While September is a time to highlight disaster preparedness, Cummins encourages preparedness year-round. Please visit to see all of our weather-related prep tips.

Author Profiles

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson is an Emmy-nominated and AP award-winning Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, TV Host, FEMA-Certified Instructor and Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins. You can visit Cheryl’s website at and follow her on Twitter and Facebook @CherylNelsonTV. 

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