Largest data center in Turkey opens with Cummins data center continuous-rated generator sets

The largest data center in Turkey has opened, and with it comes the total reliability and dependability offered by Cummins. After an impactful witness test, Turkcell, the country’s leading mobile phone operator, placed an order the next day for 10 x Cummins C1675D5A high-horsepower generator sets for its new data center in Gebze, near Istanbul. Cummins Turkey supplied the generator sets and complete power system, from design to installation and commissioning.
As a data center, continuity of energy is vital. These generators are data center continuous (DCC) rated, which offers unlimited hours of operation with no restrictions on average variable load factor. Cummins DCC ratings were introduced in response to customers’ needs and are approved by the Uptime Institute, simplifying the engineering design process and Uptime Institute site certification.
Tailor-made local enclosures and insulated exhaust system meet noise level requirements, and Cummins Turkey engineers also provided calculations for exhaust line back pressure and integrated pipeline into the customer’s building layout. A double-walled fuel automation system met Uptime Institute requirements, and weeks of testing resulted in successful certification by the Uptime Institute.
The Gebze data center is a major step toward turning the capital city into a regional data hub as well as supporting the development of Asia’s digital Silk Road that runs from southern Europe to East Asia. The 33,000 m2 facility’s white space consists of 20 rooms at 500 m2 each. It is certified in Tier III design and LEED Gold sustainability and energy efficiency, and can withstand earthquakes of magnitudes of up to 9.0 on the Richter scale.
Turkcell launched mobile communication in Turkey in 1994. Since its founding, the telecommunication and technology services company provides voice, data, TV and other network services. The telecoms company has announced plans to open two more data centers in the country.