Don't Be Left Out in the Cold: Winter Storm Preparedness

The temperature in Times Square at the time of the New Year’s Eve ball drop was the coldest in 100 years. Much of the northern part of the U.S. is blanketed by snow, as temperatures in the east are running 10-20 degrees below normal. And, did I mention, there is another potentially significant winter storm on the way for the East Coast? All this gives me the chills – literally.

By Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Here are four easy ways to better prepare yourself and your family for the next winter storm, and a short video with tips on how you can prepare for, and keep your family safe during harsh winter weather:

1. Know your risk.

How prepared is your region for winter weather? How well do residents in your community drive on icy roads? Snow storms take more time to recuperate from in the south, because they have less snow removal equipment. If you live in that region, prepare for many schools and businesses to be closed for days.

2. Build a preparedness kit.

I update my kit every year. FEMA offers an excellent list of recommended items to include. The key is ensuring you and your family can survive without power for at least three days. Of course, the best way to prepare for that contingency is by having a home standby generator. If you don’t already have one. I recommend checking out the Cummins QuietConnect series of home generators. 

Also, keep a preparedness kit in your car! I never leave the house without my water bottle, cell phone, hand sanitizer and umbrella. I keep other important items such as a flashlight, blanket, first aid kit, granola bars, ice scraper/snow brush, shovel, windshield washer fluid and cell phone charger in my car as well.  Make sure your tires are in good shape, you have at least a half tank of gas and your car is good running condition.

3. Start a conversation with your family, neighbors and employer.

Do you have a plan – including a plan for your family and pets? Would any of your elderly or special needs neighbors need help if they lost power? Does your employer expect you to be at work during a winter storm?  

4. Don’t overexert yourself when outdoors in the cold weather.

The American Heart Association says the strenuous activity of shoveling snow can take a toll on your body and can actually increase your chances of having a heart attack. While you may think you’re OK, someone you know may not be. Take an American Red Cross CPR/First Aid/AED course to learn life-saving skills! Pet CPR courses are also available in some areas.  

Preparedness is power. Don’t be left out in the cold during the next winter storm.

Author Profiles

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson is an Emmy-nominated and AP award-winning Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, TV Host, FEMA-Certified Instructor and Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins. You can visit Cheryl’s website at and follow her on Twitter and Facebook @CherylNelsonTV. 

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