Cummins expert shares industry trends as speaker for U.S. military annual energy summit
By Adam Sidders, Marketing Communications Leader, Power Systems

The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement (IDGA) hosted the 11th annual Operational Energy Summit from January 29-31, in Washington, D.C. This summit brings together the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) warfighters, industry partners and energy professionals to help achieve national, strategic and organizational energy goals of the DOD.
Cummins chaired and presented at the conference. As a sponsor, Cummins provided a speaker, Doreen Swanson, Senior Program Manager for Military Accounts, and chairperson, Steve Iverson, Director of Military and Government Business. Swanson was a featured speaker at the conference, presenting on “The Intersection of DOD Operational Energy Strategy and Industry Trends.”
“As an industry leader in the expeditionary energy space, I was honored to represent Cummins and share how we see new technology and commercial trends aligning with the DOD’s strategic goals,” Swanson said. “It was exciting to share our thoughts on the next generation of tactical electric power with the thought leaders at the conference and convey our interest in supporting our warfighters into the future.”
Iverson commented, “Cummins leadership at this summit was an important step in supporting our leadership position within the DOD, and Cummins’ perspective shared by Doreen was very well received by all of the Services within the DOD as well as other Ministries of Defense outside the U.S.”
The summit included four Services presenting on their strategies and challenges over the three-day period. Over 150 top industry and military experts shared their challenges and addressed various topics including alternative energy, mobile energy, expeditionary energy, intelligent grids, reducing energy waste and modernizing the current force with innovative energy efficient technologies. The summit also reviewed recent organizational and operational changes proposed in the FY 2017 operational energy budget.
For more information on AMMPS generators and other military power solutions from Cummins, download the brochure or visit our website.

Author Profiles

Adam Sidders, Marketing Communications Leader, Power Systems
Adam Sidders is the Marketing Communications Leader for the Power Systems Business Unit of Cummins Inc. Prior to joining Cummins in 2012 Adam worked in Financial Services for Europe’s largest independently owned insurer as their Marketing and Communications Manager.
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