Cummins Customers, Distributors and Employees from Brazil Attend Fly-In Power Seminar

The diverse mix of 20 customers, managers and distributors from Brazil who attended the 2018 Fly-In Power Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota, incidentally set an unexpected record.   

By Fabiana Menezes , Corporate Communications Specialist

Group members attend the Fly-In Power Seminar in Minneapolis

Cummins Power Systems brought together a group of 20 individuals from Brazil for the company's 2018 Fly-In Power Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the end of April. The group comprised a balance of members, including representatives of distributors, customers from across a variety of segments, and members of the Power Systems Latin America team.

Fly-In Power Seminars provide technical knowledge and learning tools relevant to the power generation industry by country. The training is conducted by Cummins engineers and experts and aims to improve participants’ professional development and connect them to the latest information and technologies that contribute to more reliable and economical energy projects and systems.

The program included a tour of the Cummins Power Systems Plant, a walk-through of various production lines, live demonstrations of Cummins power systems – including paralleling, simulation and remote monitoring – and a visit to the acoustic center in Shoreview. 

This year’s Fly-In was a chance to show Brazilian customers how Cummins values team work globally, according to Kyn Barbosa, Application Engineer for Power Systems Latin America.

“It was a great opportunity to get to know more about Cummins, to get closer to other areas and, especially, to understand how we can better help our customers through our work”, she said.

Cummins Brazil 2018 Fly-In
A group of 20 individuals from Brazil - including customers, distributors and Cummins employees - attended Cummins' 2018 Fly-In Power Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota

For the first time, the majority of the group for this year’s Fly-In were women, who outnumbered the men by 11 to nine. Luciana Giles, Cummins Latin America’s Director of Marketing and Communications, commented: “It was a privilege to have the presentations and the presence of so many female engineers. The gender diversity we have in our organization contributes to a superior outcome and brings different visions to the business." 

For Patrícia Freitas, Equinix Infrastructure buyer, the Fly-In experience has contributed to her work and allowed her to appreciate the quality of Cummins products.

“It was surprising from start to finish," Freitas said. "It was amazing to see the factory, equipment assembly line and acoustic testing center, and interact with the fantastic Cummins team and with the other participants from different companies. It was great to know how important it is to have Cummins on our list of partners. Thank you for the opportunity." 

Author Profiles

Fabiana Menezes , Corporate Communications Specialist

Fabiana is the Corporate Communications Specialist for Cummins Power Systems Latin America. She graduated in Journalism and has pursued a career in Corporate Communications with ten years' experience at multinational companies from different sectors. She joined the company in February, 2018. 

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