Cummins Named to Key Sustainability Index for a 13th Consecutive Year

Cummins has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability North American Index for a 13th consecutive year, missing the minimum score for inclusion on its world index by a single point.

By Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications

Remanufacturing centers like the one in Memphis, Tennessee (USA), return Cummins’ engines and parts to productive use, keeping them out of landfills. In addition, the practice saves the energy needed to build new products.

The index is one of the most prestigious sustainability rankings in the world. Participating companies must complete an exhaustive self-assessment supported by publicly available data covering a wide range of areas including the environment, governance, ethics, safety, innovation, customer support, human rights, and philanthropy and community service.

“Sustainability for Cummins is about making sure that we do our business in a more effective and more efficient way,” Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger said in a recent interview for the Business Roundtable, a group of business leaders dedicated to playing an active role in the formation of public policy. “We want to make sure that as we continue to give power to people around the world, we do it by consuming and impacting the world less.



“This challenge, meeting the sustainability needs of our planet while continuing to grow our economy, is the challenge of our age,” he added, "and Cummins is facing this head on.”

Cummins’ consistently high ranking in the Dow Jones sustainability index for North America reflects its commitment to sustainability. In 2018, the company saw major gains in the scoring of its answers for human rights (the company adopted a new human rights policy late in 2017) as well for its strategy for emerging markets, operational eco-efficiency and corporate citizenship.

Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones sustainability index is based on an analysis by RobecoSAM, an investment group focused exclusively on sustainability investing for more than 20 years. It says the number of companies submitting surveys for review has consistently grown over time, increasing 5 percent alone in 2018. RobecoSAM says that’s evidence of the growing importance of sustainability as a key investment factor. 

Cummins has also done well in other recent sustainability and environmental surveys and rankings. The company finished 25th in Newsweek’s 2017 Green Ranking of U.S. companies, 45th on the Forbes-Just Capital list of the Just 100: America’s Best Corporate Citizens in 2017 and 60th in Barron’s first-ever list of America’s 100 Most Sustainable Companies, announced earlier this year.

Author Profiles

blair claflin director of sustainability communications

Blair Claflin, Director of Sustainability Communications

Blair Claflin is the Director of Sustainability Communications for Cummins Inc. Blair joined the Company in 2008 as the Diversity Communications Director. Blair comes from a newspaper background. He worked previously for the Indianapolis Star (2002-2008) and for the Des Moines Register (1997-2002) prior to that.  

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