The Gift of Safety

It’s that time of year. Our inboxes are being flooded with coupons and sales from our favorite brands, which has us all thinking about finding the perfect gift for everyone on our list.

By Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

As a natural disaster preparedness expert, I believe there is no better gift than the gift of safety. If “the storm of the century” was forecasted to affect your family or friends, wouldn’t you want them to be prepared? Believe it or not, there are actually some pretty cool preparedness gifts on the market. So, before you head out to the mall, check out my top five gifts to prepare your loved ones for severe weather and power outages:

  1. A water filtration straw can remove dangerous bacteria from water, making it safe to drink. These are a great addition to your family’s emergency weather kit, as well as a great addition to your favorite outdoorsman’s backpack. 
  2. EMTs, fire and police are trained to look for emergency ID bands when responding to medical emergencies. Gift your loved ones (especially seniors or those with special needs) an emergency ID bracelet to ensure important personal and medical information is available for emergency personnel. 
  3. Don’t be left stranded on the side of the road. Invest in an emergency roadside vehicle kit that includes a first aid kit, the tools you need to fix minor vehicle issues such as a dead battery or flat tire, and supplies like a reflective blanket and poncho to keep you safe, dry and warm in the elements. 
  4. Never miss an important weather warning again with a hand-crank NOAA weather radio. Look for one that includes AM/FM weather for local updates like evacuation routes. 
  5. Winter storms, hurricanes and tornadoes leave many people without power for days, weeks or longer. Protect your loved ones from power outages by giving them a home standby generator. A standby generator automatically turns on the second utility power goes out and stays on for the duration of the outage, providing priceless peace-of-mind. Purchase from a Cummins online dealer today. 

Author Profiles

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson is an Emmy-nominated and AP award-winning Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, TV Host, FEMA-Certified Instructor and Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins. You can visit Cheryl’s website at and follow her on Twitter and Facebook @CherylNelsonTV. 

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