When is the best time to buy a whole house generator?

When it comes to shopping for a household appliance like a refrigerator, dishwasher or television, most consumers know the best times to purchase. However, it becomes a little bit more difficult to find the right time when it comes to investing in a whole house generator, since the right time changes depending upon your unique circumstances and the prices of these products don’t tend to change throughout the year.

By Aytek Yuksel, Content Marketing Leader - Power Systems

Home Being powered by generator

Here are the three considerations to determine when is the best time for you to invest in a whole house generator.

If you know you will need it, buy it before you need it

You can buy a TV or a refrigerator and begin using them the day you need it. If there is a power outage and you need to get a generator, this might take several days to weeks, depending upon the severity of the outage. For instance, weather events such as hurricanes or wildfires could leave thousands to millions in the dark. Finding a local dealer to install your whole house generator, when thousands of others are looking for the same, would be a challenge.
If you live in an area where frequent power outages occur, don’t wait for the next power outage to persuade you to get a home generator. The cost of an extended power outage could exceed $14,000, and your investment in a whole house generator could pay for itself with that first power outage.

Consider the timing of severe weather events that might put lights out at your home

Severe weather events tend to impact specific geographies photoSevere weather events ranging from hurricanes to snowstorms are the number one reason for power outages. Most severe weather events take place at certain times of the year and impact specific geographies. Hurricanes tend to take place from May to November and impact eastern seaboard and south. Wildfires tend to happen during summer months and occur more frequently across the western half of the U.S. For instance, you would have a difficult time getting a whole house generator with a short notice during the summer months in Florida, since the hurricane activity increases the demand for generators.

Consider the severe weather events that might impact you and your family and get a whole house generator a few months in advance.

Be prepared for the unexpected, including squirrels

You can plan around hurricanes, snow storms or even wildfires. What about earthquakes or a squirrel like the one that has left hundreds in the dark including the local community hospital? Whether it is weather or other reasons, power outages are a part of our lives, and electricity customers in the U.S experienced an average of over seven hours without power due to outages in 2017. If you are seeking the ultimate peace of mind and no power interruptions, then the best time to invest in a generator is now, before you and your family experience the power outage.

Are you and your family prepared for power outages? Start your preparation by checking out What to Do Before, During and After a Power Outage. For more preparedness tips and to get valuable resources, consider signing up for the Cummins Home Generators newsletter.

Author Profiles

Aytek Yuksel - Cummins Inc

Aytek Yuksel, Content Marketing Leader - Power Systems

Aytek is a marketing leader at Cummins, focusing on technology and thought leadership. Since joining in 2008, he has held various marketing roles and now shares insights on markets, technologies, and energy transition. Aytek lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two kids.

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