Meet Jeet – IT and HR professional, painter, storyteller, and trumpet blower

By Lauren Cole, Senior Digital Communications Specialist

Arindrajit Roy

 “The world is your oyster.” That’s how Jeet Roy describes his time at Cummins so far. “The company truly supports you on your career journey – opening you up to all these opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.” Jeet points to his recent career move from IT to HR as a great example of what he means.

“I found myself in IT doing a lot of reporting and data analysis. So, when I saw an internal HR posting, I thought it would be really interesting to take my skill sets of data analysis and apply them to people analytics. And the culture here at Cummins is very supportive of those types of moves. The company wants you to explore your interests, look at things differently, and chart your own course.”

As an HR Analytics Specialist, it’s Jeet’s job to mine and interpret data creation and utilization principles pertaining to Human Resources Management. But he has a much more interesting and colorful way to describe it. Which makes sense, because when he’s not at work, Jeet keeps his creative juices flowing by dabbling in painting – acrylics on canvas.

The way I see my job is I basically tell stories with data that our leaders and business stakeholders then use to create actionable strategies, policies, business plans, etc.

Speaking of stories, Jeet tells a great one about how he was introduced to Cummins. It all started when he was working on his Masters at the University of Texas and the Cummins recruiting team was there hosting a conference about integrating LGBTQ+ students into the workforce. Jeet wasn’t there for the conference; he was there as part of his on-campus job, helping to set up for the event. The Cummins team was so impressed by him and the job he did that they asked him to interview for an internship.  

It was really amazing, I got the internship, even though I wasn’t planning on interviewing at all that day and didn’t even have a resume ready.

Arindrajit Roy
Jeet in Cummins' Corporate Office Building

Fast forward several years later and Jeet is still involved in LGBTQ+ issues and initiatives. He is now leading the Pride Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Cummins’ Indiana Headquarters. Jeet is quick to credit Cummins’ progressive mindset and his association with the Pride Group as a big influence in his life, growth, and personal journey. 

“I joined Cummins as an intern in 2016, and back then I wouldn’t have been this open talking about my life. But the more I was exposed to Cummins, its culture and leadership, and the Pride Group, the more I knew Cummins doesn’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk – they are one hundred percent committed to creating a safe space for everybody to come forward and bring their true selves to work.”

To date, the Pride Group is over 500 members strong, was recently introduced in India (Jeet’s birthplace), and there are plans to expand to Brazil, the rest of Latin America and Europe in the near future. 

Jeet is particularly proud of his team’s recent efforts designing the Pride Group’s “Ally Program”. According to Jeet, “we tried thinking of how we could have allies come forward and say, ‘Hey, I'm LGBTQ+. I'm an LGBTQ+ ally. I'm a Pride ally, etc.’. So, we created little Ally stickers and Ally pins that people could wear to work, but then COVID happened.”

So undeterred, he and his team adjusted and got even more creative. 

“We started designing Zoom and Teams backgrounds that people could showcase during their meetings. Just another way of creating that safe space of saying, ‘Hey, I'm here for our LGBTQ+ employees. And the response has been fantastic. Vendors are noticing and asking questions and saying what a great idea it is, and how impressed they are with Cummins for doing it.”

It seems that being impressed with Cummins and Cummins employees is a common occurrence. So much so, that Jeet wishes the company would blow its own trumpet a little more.

“I run into people who say, ‘oh I didn’t know Cummins does this or is involved with that’. We have such a great company. There’s this great burst of ideas here from people with all different backgrounds. And it’s great to hear how our CEO talks about things like inclusion and diversity and caring. In fact, “caring” was recently added to Cummins’ list of values. I don’t know a lot of companies that would say or do that. We need to share all that.” 

Thanks to employees like you Jeet, we are.

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Author Profiles

Lauren Cole, Senior Digital Communications Specialist

Lauren is the Senior Digital Communications Specialist for Cummins Inc, where she focuses on social media, employee storytelling, and employer branding. Lauren joined the company in early 2017 and has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Indiana University. 

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