From Dobermans to Sourcing: Jithu's journey at Cummins
By Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader

Jithu has never owned a dog, but he recently agreed to dog-sit a seven-month-old Doberman for his friend.
“It’s important to try new things and to be there for friends - to lend a hand,” he says. “It goes a long way. Plus, we think we want a dog and we’re finding out if we can do a good job as owners.”
When asked what he’s learned so far about dogs he says, over a barking Doberman, “They’re a lot of work.”
But hard work has never deterred Jithu, who grew up in Saudi Arabia and received his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering in India. He followed that with a master’s degree from Texas Tech in industrial engineering. While pursuing his degree there, he attended a job fair and discovered Cummins. The company stood out to him at the fair because of its support for international hires.
“So few companies have policies that allow international workers in terms of sponsorship. Cummins is very forthcoming with it,” he says. “There are no boundaries. As long as you are capable and can prove your worth, the doors are open.”
After interning at Cummins, Jithu accepted a full-time position at a Cummins plant in Wisconsin where he worked for two and a half years until moving across the world again to work at Cummins India during the pandemic. He returned to the U.S. in 2021.
“Cummins is open to hiring and helping smart people, regardless of which visa category you’re in,” he says. When he struggled to get his H-1B visa, he credits Cummins with giving him the opportunity to work at their India offices until he was able to return to work in the U.S. under a different visa category. “[Cummins] makes sure you have options,” he says. “They believe in their employees, and they prove it, they don’t just say it. And there’s always pathways to grow, there are no limitations in career opportunities“
At Cummins India, Jithu cut his teeth on a challenging manufacturing job. He started early in the project when the line was only making five to ten parts per shift, “when we should’ve been making about 200 per shift,” he says.
He admits that it took a long time and a lot of effort from many people — suppliers, external stakeholders, internal engineering teams — all working collaboratively, burning the midnight oil to get to the goal. Folks lending a hand to work together for the greater good became a theme in Jithu’s life. And by the time he left that plant, they were making upwards of 250 parts per shift.
“Sometimes you come into a project late and you don’t get to see how it grows step by step,” he says. “You’re just sustaining it. I was proud to be there early on, to see it through and complete the project fully. It felt great handing over a manufacturing line that enabled Cummins to meet customer demand on time.”
Today, Jithu works as a Senior Sourcing Specialist, a role that is not particularly engineered-focused, but one that he enjoys, especially because he loves trying new things and overcoming challenges.
“There is nothing typical about this work,” he says. “There are always challenges, and it’s fast-paced.” The job entails talking with suppliers, prioritizing and resolving any issues or deliveries, analyzing potential opportunities for improvement, and working on product development, specifically as it relates to emissions. He says that his main duty is setting up suppliers for short-term success, while also ensuring sustainable, long-term success for Cummins.
He’s been able to do this over the last six years in different Cummins roles in the U.S. and India thanks to his managers, he says.
“I’ve been fortunate to have managers who push me and encourage me to always do things better, always improve. Especially early on in your career, it’s important to find work that challenges you, and Cummins is a workplace that supports that,” he says.
He marvels at the people he has been able to work with. “Everyone is so welcoming,” he says. “That’s what I’ve noticed at different parts of Cummins, whether in the U.S., India or Germany, the people are remarkably approachable, very smart and willing to help out. And Cummins is a company that really lives in its values, which is why I’m still with them almost six years later.”
A culture that places value on collaboration and helping one another out is now ingrained in Jithu. It’s what inspired him to say “yes” when asked if he would dog sit, even though he had no prior experience with dogs.
As we wrap up the interview, Jithu apologizes again for the barking dog. He speaks of his hopes to help Cummins achieve zero emissions and in doing so, leave a legacy of his own — one that his future kids, or future dogs, can be proud of.
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Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader
Cummins Inc., a global power solutions leader, comprises five business segments – Components, Engine, Distribution, Power Systems, and Accelera by Cummins – supported by its global manufacturing and extensive service and support network, skilled workforce and vast technological expertise. Cummins is committed to its Destination Zero strategy – the company’s commitment to sustainability and helping its customers successfully navigate the energy transition with its broad portfolio of products. Cummins has approximately 69,900 employees and earned $3.9 billion on sales of $34.1 billion in 2024. See how Cummins is leading the world toward a future of smarter, cleaner power at
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