Brittany Borella

Technical Leader - Cummins Repower Program

Brittany Borella is the Technical Leader for the Cummins Repower Program. She has worked at Cummins for 6 years, spending the last 4 as a Vehicle Integration Engineer for the Pickup and Enthusiast Market. In January 2018 she transitioned to officially lead the engineering work for the Crate Engine Program, focusing on the R2.8 as well as future products. In her current role, she oversees hardware changes, compatible components, Calibration improvements, and software updates. She also works directly with builders and end customers to ensure they have successful installs and a satisfactory experience with the Cummins Repower program. 

1 Article

My road trip started on a sunny day outside Plant 1 in Columbus, Indiana - the location of Cummins’ Headquarters. I packed up all my stuff for my first camping adventure since I was a kid, and headed west. At 5640 lbs fully loaded and with the aerodynamics of a small tool shed, the R2.8 powered Landrover Discovery 1 was easily able to cruise at 70 mph across the country, and get 17 mpg while do

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