Cummins to Showcase Latest Research in Turbocharging Technologies at IMechE Conference

The latest research and development from Cummins Turbo Technologies to support new innovations in turbocharger technology will be showcased at the forthcoming IMechE International conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging in London on 17-18 May. A global engineering leader in turbocharger technology, Cummins will be presenting five papers at the conference, which are focused on delivering long term benefits for the on and off highway markets.

London, England

The papers to be presented at IMechE include:

Development of a high temperature turbocharger for heavy duty applications’ details work carried out to ‘redesign the turbocharger’ in order to meet the changing requirements of HGVs and the drive towards reducing fuel consumption and emissions. The research has enabled the development of a turbocharger which can operate effectively using Stoichiometric Natural Gas, maintaining similar levels of durability and performance as a diesel turbocharger.

The development of a long route exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) turbocharger for commercial engine applications. New research and development conducted at Cummins Turbo Technologies has created a durable long route EGR turbocharger, which is suitable for application within commercial internal combustion engine systems. This breakthrough development has the potential to enable further emissions and fuel consumption reductions in commercial vehicles.

Explicit dynamic finite element simulation of turbocharger containment and wheel burst’ outlines research to deliver both Analysis-Led-Testing and Analysis-Led-Design techniques. The development of a simulation programme to minimise the cost associated with testing, optimise the product design and shorten the new concept development cycle is already delivering benefits to the market, with the simulation results showing excellent correlation to physical testing.

‘The effect of oil film instability on power losses prediction of a turbocharger rotor-fully floating ring bearing system’ proposes a new method for calculating fully floating ring bearing (FFRB) power losses by utilising the bearing eccentricities and FFRB speed ratio output from nonlinear transient rotordynamic simulation. The research illustrates that oil film instability, which is commonly seen on turbocharges equipped with FFRBs should be carefully considered in FFRB power loss calculations.

Turbocharger compressor inlet and outlet pipe length & Volume, and the effects on the characteristics and location of surge’ outlines the complexity of identifying the form and operation points of which surge occurs and how highly coupled dynamic variables can affect this. The paper researches ways to avoid an application from running on the left hand of the compressor surge line. With efficiencies reaching as low as 20%, as well as a reduction in reliability and longevity through applying significant repetitive stress on the bearing system, surge is not an option for customers. Compressor surge is when the air pressure after the compressor is greater than what the compressor can hold.

Jonathan Wood, Executive Director - Research and Engineering at Cummins Turbo Technologies said: “As a trusted, global supplier and innovator in versatile turbocharging technologies we are committed to investing in research and development to anticipate the future needs of our customers and bring next generation technologies into the global market. Innovation is at the heart of our business and the papers to be presented at the IMechE conference provide an excellent opportunity to showcase our latest research and development capabilities.”

Cummins Turbo Technologies will also be showcasing its full spectrum of next generation technologies at the Conference including its pioneering Two Stage technology with Rotary Turbine Control, Next Generation Holset VGTTM, Advanced Wastegate technology, Mechanical and Electric Waste Heat Recovery Turbine Expanders, and Series 150 and 250 Wastegates which are new additions to Cummins’ smaller range of turbochargers.

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