Cummins joins CEO Climate Dialogue to advocate for aggressive climate action
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Companies join environmental groups in advocacy efforts
Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) announced today it has joined the CEO Climate Dialogue, a group of 22 companies and four leading environmental groups committed to advocating for climate action in the U.S. Congress.
Among the group’s organizing principles is support for an economy-wide price on carbon to use the power of the market to help achieve the country’s carbon reduction goals in a “simple, coherent and efficient manner.”
“Climate action is consistent with Cummins’ mission of making people’s lives better by powering a more prosperous world,” said Cummins Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger. “We support strong, market-based goals toward a carbon-neutral future and the CEO Climate Dialogue’s principle that a price on carbon is the best way to use the power of the market to achieve those goals.”
The CEO Climate Dialogue is made up of a range of corporations including BP, Citi, Dow, DuPont, Ford Motor Company, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Shell, Unilever, and others. But what makes the group truly special is the membership of leading environmental groups, including the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Nature Conservancy, and the World Resources Institute.
“It is urgent that the President and Congress put in place a long-term federal policy as soon as possible to protect against the worst impacts of climate change,” the group says. “Acting sooner rather than later allows us to meet the climate challenge at the least possible cost and put the necessary investments in place in time to meet our emissions targets.”
In late 2019, Cummins released PLANET 2050, the company’s environmental strategy for acting on climate change and other environmental concerns. The plan includes goals to reduce its environmental impact timed to 2030 and the aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2050.
The company has a long history of acting to reduce the water and energy it uses and the waste it produces, as well as the air and greenhouse gas emissions produced by its plants and products. Cummins is also advocating for climate action, with regulators around the world, with the trade groups it belongs to, and with Congress, too.
The Biden administration is expected to layout its plan for climate action at an environmental summit scheduled for Earth Day, April 22. The CEO Climate Dialogue is pushing for the president to take aggressive action.
“Sustaining a vibrant economy while using fewer of the earth’s resources is the challenge of our time,” Linebarger said. “Cummins is committed to meeting that challenge.”
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