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PowerSpec allows you to tailor the operation of Cummins engines in every on-highway application. Gearing calculator, parameter settings optimization instructions, access to trip and fault data, and more.

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Software Downloads



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Please contact your system administrator for assistance if you receive such a message.


After downloading PowerSpec the process is simple. First you will be prompted to answer a few basic questions about your vehicle and its desired operating mode. After that the Vehicle Gearing feature will automatically recommend the optimum gearing for your application.

  • Engine Features and Parameters tool
    • Includes complete explanations of every engine feature and parameter, how these features work, and how to get the most out of them.
  • Trip Information feature
    • Allows you to access information such as miles per gallon, miles driven, idle time, and more.
  • Fault Code Management
    • Allows you to read any fault codes that have been logged, making it easier to get accurate repairs.



Platform Intel i5 Processor (32-bit or 64-bit) Intel i3 Processor (32-bit or 64-bit)
Operating System Windows 10 or Windows 11 (64-bit) Windows 10 (32-bit)
Processor 2.5 GHz or greater 1.6 GHz 
RAM 16 GB 4 GB
Hard Drive 60 GB available 6 GB available
Display 1920 x 1080 1024 x 768
Internet *Required for registration. High-Speed Broadband High-Speed Broadband
Ports *Datalink Adapter connection USB 3.0 USB 2.0



PowerSpec | 64-bit (PC Download)



The Datalink Protocol autodetect option has been removed in this version of PowerSpec, therefore you must manually select a specific protocol.

  • Go into the settings menu
  • Select either, Datalink Protocol J1708 or Datalink Protocol J1939
  • Click the SAVE button


  • FILE NAME: PowerSpec_13.0.0.35_64Bit.exe
  • FILE SIZE: 383.6 MB

Download ▶



PowerSpec | TEST BUILD



Before installing this TEST BUILD, you must first uninstall the current version of PowerSpec you have on your system.


  • FILE NAME: PowerSpec_12.1.0.5_64Bit_Test_Build.exe
  • FILE SIZE: 384.2 MB

Download ▶



This software is not available on mobile. To download for your office or home computer, please return to this page from that device.

Software Licensing

Some Cummins software and mobile applications – including INSITE™, Guidanz®, and PowerSpec – require unique software licenses for use. Licenses are available through a Cummins-authorized distributor or dealer. Please provide us a few details to find the needed contact information.

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