
Cummins QSK60s for 84-Meter Work Boat

by Alan Haig-Brown

Cummins Vessel Reference #748

With a 50-ton four point anchoring system ready for work.

Shin Yang Shipyard of Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia has delivered the sister ships MV Anis and MV Alya. Designed by Wartsila Ship Design Singapore, the 83.8-meter (275-foot) maintenance and work boats have massive capacities.

Accommodation is provided for up to 199 people. Tankage is provided for 800 cubic meters of fuel and 900 m3 of water. The vessels each have two 50 m3 per day water-makers. Additionally there is tankage for 80 m3 of urea, 20 m3 of sludge, and 10 m3 of lube oil. There is 700 square meters of open deck cargo space.

And a 45-ton pedestal-mountd deck crane.

For propulsion, each vessel is fitted with a pair of Cummins QSK60M engines each delivering 2200 HP at 1800 RPM. The engines turn four-blade 2000-m/m fix-pitch propellers through Twin Disc MG5600 marine gears with 5.04:1 rations.

Main gensets are three Cat-powered 590eKW, 50 HZ each. The emergency genset is a Cummins NTA855D(M) powered and rated at 245eKW. The ABS-classed vessel is equipped with a ten-ton electric drive bow thruster as well as three 75 cubic meters per hour at a 70-meter head fire pumps. To aid in her offshore work there is a 45-ton deck pedestal mounted deck crane. The Anis and Alya are also fitted with 50-ton four-point mooring systems.

Photos courtesy of Cummins Malaysia

For more information:

Capt Ting Hien Liong
CEO, Shin Yang Shipyard Sdn. Bhd.
Sub Lot 153 (Parent Lot 70)
Jalan Kuala Baram
98100 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Phone: 6085 42 8399
Mobile: 6019 885 7799
E-mail: captainting@shinyang.com.my

Wartsila Ship Design Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Mewah Building, Level 3.5 International Business Park,
Singapore 609914
Phone: 65 6562 1138
Fax: 65 6562 1238
E-mail: shipdesign.singapore@wartsila.com

MT Chong
Cummins Scott & English Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Lot 1524, Block 3, MCLD.
Piasau Industrial Estate,
98000 Miri, Sarawak Malaysia.
Tel: 6085 657850
Fax: 6085 657252
Mobile: 6013 8336357
E-mail: meuthat.chong@cummins.com

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