fathom boat on the water

Fathom: By All Measures a Fine Boat

by Alan Haig-Brown

Cummins Vessel Reference #840

I profile the Fathom offers a pleasingly capable look.


Contemporary composite cruisers are designed so similarly that finding your boat in a crowded marina can be a challenge. Such will not be a problem for owners of the latest incarnation of the well-regarded Fathom 40 and 43.


Builder Roy Parkingson at the galley table.

Long time builder Roy Parkinson of Park Isle Marine Ltd. in Sooke BC bought the 20 molds required to build the boat from a US owner in 2017. Adding his own design touches, to the original Greg Marshall design, he built a demonstration vessel incorporating a lot of improvements and additional quality to the no nonsense look of the boat. Park Isle uses vacuum infusion in the construction of the fiberglass composite components. This method produces fewer airborne toxins and can result in a better product. Additional fiberglass work utilizes the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding method.

Cummins power in an immaculate and well laid out engine room

From the optional flying bridge to the “tail-gate” transom and extended swim ramp aft, the boat has the shape and functionality of a small passage maker trawler. The semi-planning hull, incorporating a lift strake, provides a very fuel conscious cruiser burning only two US gallons per hour at eight knots. The boat can also pick up and has touched 20 knots light boat while achieving 18 knots on sea trials with a load. This is with the selected power of a Cummins QSB6.7 engine rated at 425 hp at 3000 RPM turning a 27-inch wheel through a ZF280-1A gear with a 2.476:1 reduction.

A hydraulic power takeoff on the main engine provides for 15 horsepower bow and stern thrusters and other enhancements. Including a Lemar V-4 hydraulic anchor winch with warping head. The engine space, roomy for a boat of this size, is well insulated for quiet living spaces. It is reached from the rear deck through a mid-ship lazarette and a second door.

With an extensive back ground in both commercial and recreational marine endeavors, Parkinson’s knowledge and experience is evident throughout. https://www.parkislemarine.com/expedition-40-or-43

Photo credit: Haig-Brown/Cummins

For more information:

Roy Parkinson,
Park Isle Marine Ltd.
7369 West oast Rd.,
Sooke, BC
Canada, V9Z 0R9
Phone: 250 642 3294
E-mail: roy@parkislemarine.com

Aaron Bruce
Marine Sales Manager – Western Canada
Cummins Sales and Service
18452 96th Ave.
Surrey BC
Canada, V4N 3P8
Mobile: 604 220 3765
Phone: 604 882 5726
E-mail: aaron.bruce@cummins.com

Alan Haig-Brown
A. Haig-Brown & Assoc. Ltd.
New Westminster, B.C., Canada
CAN Mobile: 604 377 1577
Web: www.haigbrown.com | www.westcoastfisherman.net

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