2.	M/V Summer under construction mid-April 2019.

M/V Summer: Dive Boat for Thai Waters

by Alan Haig-Brown

To be an accomplished diving master in Thailand with access to both the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand would be about as good as it gets. But it is one huge step up the joy register to own your own diving support vessel. This is especially true if you can also accommodate 30 fellow divers and a supportive crew of eight to cater to the divers’ needs and navigate the vessel.

That will be the situation for one man when his new 28.8 by 7.5-meter boat will be delivered from MITS Decisions shipyard in Samutsakhon, Thailand later this year. In early April the sleek craft was already taking shape at the yard. The vessel’s main propulsion engines, a pair of 400-HP Cummins NTA855-M, will be mounted aft and will turn up to 1800 RPM into 4.9:1 reduction gears to turn propellers with diameters in the 57 to 58-inch range.

A pair of Cummins 6BTA-powered generators will meet the vessel’s extensive electrical needs including two 8 HP aircon units. In addition to 22 single and double bunked staterooms for guests and crew, the dive boat will have six heads. Guest cabins will open onto spacious side decks. Spaces on the upper decks are set-aside for dive equipment stowage and air compressors for recharging tanks. A RIB can be launched by crane over the stern from the upper deck aft. A large swim grid is provided for the convenience of divers.

The dive boat is to be named Summer which is appropriate for the year-round summer climate of Thailand. It will move between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea on Thailand’s west coast in turn with the seasons when diving is best in the two locals.

MITS Decisions
Management of MITS Decisions Shipyard, Mahachai, Thailand. (Left to right)  Assistant General Manager Santhanakon Phunatphattharasin, Chief Financial Officer Patpapha Phunatphattharasin with General Manager Khampon Inthawat.

 Photos courtesy of Haig-Brown/Cummins, GA courtesy of MITS Decisions Co. Ltd.
For further information:
Khapon Inthawat
General Manager
62/2 Moo1 Rama2 Road
Tambol Tajeen Amphur muang Samutsakhon 74000
Tel : 6634 425 401-3
Fax: 6634 424664
Mobile Phone: +6688 265 6954
E_mail: k_inthawat@mitsdecisions.com
Web: https://mitsdecisions.co
Santhanakon Phunatphattharasin
Assistant Manager
MITS Decisions Company Ltd. (1986)
62/2 Moo1 Rama 2 Road Tambol Tajeen
Ampher Muang Samutsakhon
Thailand 74000
Phone: 062 494 5924
E-mail: santhanakon.p@gmail.com
Web: https://mitsdecisions.co
Jennifer McQuilken
Marketing Communications, Marine and Oil & Gas
Cummins Inc.
4400 Leeds Ave. Suite 300
Charleston, SC 29405
E-mail: Jennifer.McQuilken@Cummins.com
Phone: +1 843-696-9534 (call or text)
Alan Haig-Brown
A. Haig-Brown & Assoc. Ltd.
New Westminster, BC,
Phone: 604 377 1577
E-mail: alan@haig-brown.com
web: www.haigbrown.com

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