
Pocket Tanker for Puget Sound

by Alan Haig-Brown

Cummins Vessel Reference #795

A rendering of the Global Provider to by launched in early 2017.


We wanted a vessel that would allow us to quickly and efficiently serve our diesel and lube oil customers in Puget Sound” explained Maxum Petroleum’s Mike Curry of the new 126-foot product tanker that the firm is having built. “We have 15,000 barrel barge doing the job now but this boat will be more efficiently handle our ATB customers. Most of our customers take smaller deliveries, so the new boat, with its six cargo holds taking 3700 barrels of fuel and 24,000 gallons of lube oil, will fill an important niche.


The Global Provider will be less than 100 gross tons and so qualifies for a two-man day-boat operation around Seattle. It also has accommodation for four crew making longer runs practical. “We have one barge each on the Columbia River and in San Francisco Bay,” explained Curry, “So if we have a barge in the dry dock in any of these ports we can send this boat down as relief.

With a 10-foot draft on a 14-foot molded depth and a 32-foot beam, the Grade B product tanker, to be named Global Provider, is fully double-hulled. Fuel tanks located port and starboard of the engine room will carry a total of 8900 gallons. Additional trim tanks are located in the forepeak and the stern quarters. Designed by the Elliot Bay Design Group, the boat is being built by Jesse Co Metal Fabrication and Machinery in Tacoma, Washington State. Brandt Schlender, Marine Project Management for Jesse Engineering, reports that the tanker is scheduled for deliver in February 2017.

In the engine room, aft of the six separate cargo holds, a pair of Cummins QSK 19M Tier 3 diesels, each generating 660 HP at 1800 RPM will provide propulsive power. These two in-line six-cylinder engines will each turn into Twin Disc MGX=5202SC gears swinging 48-inch four-blade stainless steel props mounted on 4-inch by 17-foot shafts. A pair of generators will meet the boat’s electrical and hydraulic power requirements.

On deck, a Rapp Marine HP30 5F crane will handle the hoses for product being pumped by a six-inch Blackmer pumps.


Rendering, GA and profile drawing courtesy of Maxum Petroleum


For further information:


Michael Curry
Maxum Petroleum
Phone: 206 613 1443
E-mail: Michael.curry@pilotthomas.com
Web: http://www.pilotthomas.com/marine.html


Brandt Schlender
Marine Project Management
Jesse Co Metal Fabrication and Machinery
1840 Marine View Dr.
Tacoma, WA98422
Phone: 253 552 1524
Mobile: 253 719 9333
E-mail: bschlender@jesse-co.com
Web: https://www.jesseengineering.com

James Jennings
Elliot Bay Design
5305 Shilshole Ave. NW
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: 206 782 3082

Mike Fourtner
Commercial Marine Sales
Cummins Northwest
3300 Mottman Rd. SW
Olympia, WA 98512
Phone: 360 748 8841 | Extension: 4011
Toll free: 800 451 5506 | Extension: 4011
Cell: 360 352 0192
E-mail: mike.fourtner@cummins.com

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