
Robert Allan Design for Amazon

by Alan Haig-Brown

Cummins Vessel Reference #678

On the Rio Negro at Manaus.


A thousand miles (1600 Kilometers) up the Amazon River the Port of Manaus has long attracted ocean going vessels. In the 19th Century they came for rubber, today the products are more varied with a duty-free zone generating additional commerce. Other ports along the Amazon may be for a single commodity such as soyabeans.




The cardon shaft running aft from the starboard QSK38.


Recently the first of a series of Robert Allan Ltd, -designed ship docking tugs was launched from the Estaleiros Rio Negro Ltda. (ERIN Shipyard). The tug was launched into the waters of the Rio Negro at Manaus where it merges with the Solimões River to form the Amazon proper. This latest boat is a RAmparts25 with a 25-meter length and 10-meter beam. The hull has a molded depth of 4.19 meters and, with the additional depth of the Z-drives and skeg, it has a 4.55-meter draft.




One of the tug's two QSK38-M main engines.


Main propulsion for the new tug are a pair of Cummins Tier 2, Cummins QSK38-M engines each delivering 1400 HP at 1800 RPM to Rolls Royce US155 model azimuth drives. The new tug is fitted with a hawser winch and will be employed at the Itacoatiara Port of Hermosa Logistics about 260 km down river from Manaus.





The vessel has tanks for 55000 litres of fuel and 15000 litres of water. Accommodation is provided for a crew of up to eight people.



Photos courtesy of Estaleiros Rio Negro Ltda. (ERIN Shipyard)



For further information:


Ernst Schneider
Media Relations, Robert Allan Ltd.
230-1639 West 2nd Ave
Vancouver BCV6J 1H3
Tel: 1 604 736 9466 | Extension: 232
Facsimile: 1 604 736 9483
Email: ernst@ral.ca
Web: http://www.ral.ca/designs/tugboats

João M. N. Mendonça
Marine Business Manager
Powertech Comercial Ltda.
Av. Efigênio Sales, 1717-P.10
Manaus, Amazonas
69.060-020, Brazil
Phone: 55 92 2121 8000 | 8007
E-mal: mendonca@powertech-am.com.br

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