
Seismic Triplets for Irish Mainport

by Alan Haig-Brown
<h3>Cummins Vessel Reference #668</h3> <div><img class="required" style="vertical-align: middle; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://www.cumminsengines.com/uploads/images/54.6m_Profile.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="246" /></div> <center><strong> A profile rendering of one of the large vessels currently building at Shin Yang Shipyard. </strong></center><br /> <p>East Malaysia’s Shin Yang Shipyard has begun construction of three new support vessels for Mainport . Located in Miri, Sarawak the Shin Yang Shipyard has developed an impressive record in the fabrication of sophisticated off shore vessels such as the anchor-handling tug Danem 19. Two of the new support vessels, the Mainport Cedar and Mainport Pine, will be 54.6 by 13.8-meter supply, seismic support vessels. The third, the Mainport Kells, will be somewhat smaller at 37 by 8.7-meter, and will also carry the designation supply, seismic support vessel.</p> <p>Based in Cork, Ireland, The Mainport Group is an integrated marine services company providing a wide range of maritime services. (<a href="http://www.mainport.ie/" target="_blank">http://www.mainport.ie/</a>) In the field of offshore support the firm has fleets of vessels including safety standby, tugs, tanker assist, bunkering, and seismic support services.</p> <p>The three new vessels will be added to the firm’s current fleet of four seismic vessels. The two larger vessels will be powered by twin Cummins Tier 2 QSK60 engines each generating 2200 hp and turning controllable pitch propellers. The smaller vessel will be powered by a single Cummins 50 liter Tier 2 engine generating 1600 hp at 1800 RPM and turning a fixed pitch propeller through a 4.5:1 reduction gear.</p> <p>The first of the new vessels will launch in April 2013 with the others to follow in two month intervals.<br /><br /></p> <center><strong> For a complete specifications sheet please contact me at alan@haig-brown.com<br /><br /> </strong></center><br /> <strong>For further information:</strong> <p><strong>Capt Dave Hopkins FNI.,IIMM.</strong> <br /> Marine Director, <br /> Irish Mainport Holdings, <br /> Mainport, <br /> Monahan Road, <br /> Cork. <br /> Ireland. <br /> <strong>Switch:</strong> 353 21 5004200 <br /> <strong>Phone direct:</strong> 353 21 5004220 <br /> <strong>Mobile:</strong> 353 87 2570053 <br /><strong>Email:</strong> <a href="mailto:dhopkins@mainport.ie"> dhopkins@mainport.ie</a><br /> <strong>Web:</strong> <a href="http://www.mainport.ie" target="_blank">www.mainport.ie</a></p> <p><strong>Vincent Ling</strong> <br /> Shin Yang Shipyard <br /> Miri, Malaysia <br /> <strong>Phone:</strong> 60 85 605188 <br /> <strong>E-mail:</strong> <a href="mailto:vincentling@shinyang.com.my"> vincentling@shinyang.com.my</a></p>
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