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Technical careers within the oil & gas sector offer on-the-job education, good compensation and more importantly, a fulfilling experience while working on various mechanical and electronic equipment, including several engine technologies.  The energy sector is going through a transformation to build a cleaner future for our communities, and oil and gas are still going to play an import


The left brain/right brain theory says that most people use one side of their brain slightly more than the other. Left-brained individuals are known to be analytical and methodical, and right-brained people tend to be creative and artistic. Luckily for Cummins, finance associate Brett Mehringer brings a little of both sides to everything he does. Growing up on a farm in Bedford, Indiana, Bre


Cummins and its partners announced that HyBalance, one of Europe’s most advanced hydrogen production facilities, will continue producing hydrogen for customers across Europe. HyBalance was established in 2018 as a pilot, and the pilot was completed in September of 2020, demonstrating strong results. “Hybalance is a leading example to other customers and communities that the future of power can


“I am up for the challenge” is a phrase you'll hear on a day-to-day basis from Product Marketing Manager Chelsea Yuan, who throughout her 11 years at Cummins, has always been on the look-out for new problems to solve. Joining the New Power team at its Beijing, China-based facility in 2020, she sought out her latest mission: to build awareness and lay the foundation for the zero-emission technology


As engine manufacturers began providing high power density engines for better fuel economy and lower cost of ownership for their customers, a need for better engine brake performance at lower rpm became important. While engine manufacturers sought ways to make the engine more efficient, vehicle manufacturers focused on areas such as decreasing aerodynamic drag and reducing rolling resistance from


Ever-tightening emissions regulations are on the horizon and these new regulations could put a greater focus on measuring real-world driving conditions. By 2024 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is scheduled to tighten regulations to improve NOx emissions technologies that quickly get heat into an aftertreatment system, then keep the system hot, without hurting fuel consumption. Partneri


To savvy fleet owners, the Total Cost of Ownership, or TCO, is one of those phrases that is ubiquitous in the Commercial Vehicle industry nowadays. It is simply a way to depict the true cost of owning a commercial vehicle. The lower the TCO, often expressed in euro or dollars per km or miles, the more attractive the vehicle is to the potential owner/operator. TCO is comprised of many variables,


Greener natural gas may be coming soon to a grid near you. With the approval of a project by Cummins and Enbridge Gas to blend low-carbon hydrogen into Ontario’s natural gas network, a future with lower-emission natural gas is within reach. Thanks to this blend, the pilot project will bring cleaner natural gas to the residential market on a major scale for the first time in North America. Th


The company finished third in the Automotive/Industrial sector behind Ford (No. 19) and General Motors (No. 46).   The Drucker Institute is named for the late professor, author and longtime Wall Street Journal Columnist Peter Drucker. The ranking is based on five measures of corporate performance: customer satisfaction, employee engagement and development, innovation, social responsibility


Throughout 2020, the phrase “new normal” has often been used to describe the many changes this year has brought to both personal and professional life. At Cummins, however, one thing that will remain unchanged is the emphasis on recognizing the excellent work done by global employees to help build the world’s best company. While recognition activities are present within all teams, functions, busin


Daniel Jursic’s 16-year career in the hydrogen industry has been fuelled by one thing - his strong belief that hydrogen is the future. As the world catches up, Daniel is already looking further ahead to the future of Cummins operations in Europe. With a strong presence in the region already - employing more than 6,700 people across seven manufacturing sites and 20 distribution, parts and administr


Angelica Cortez Vega always knew she wanted to work in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). She dreamed of being a math teacher, managing the business side of STEM or even becoming an astronaut. “It turns out that there are actually height requirements to be an astronaut,” Angelica said. “That ruled out that career choice for me, so I began to explore other career options — all on


In 2019, Cummins Sales and Service Indianapolis launched the Youth Technician Apprenticeship Program, a partnership with Area 31 Career Center at Ben Davis High School (Indianapolis) and Cummins Inc. The program has given several students a head start to a career in diesel technology. This year, two graduates of the program will receive tuition assistance to continue their education at Lincoln Col


It’s part of Cummins’ commitment to reduce water use in the North Carolina (U.S.) community where the plant is located. RMEP has a new system employing multiple technologies including hydroponics – using plants as a filter –  to treat millions of gallons of water annually so it can be returned to the facility for non-potable use. A similar system – minus the greenhouse – is


Ask Chunpeng Xu what some of his favorite things are and his list will likely include a good film, a basketball game from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and a challenge that drives him to learn something new and solve problems. His career as a Senior Controls Engineer in New Power ticks the third box by giving him the opportunity to keep learning and contributing to innovative pro


If you’re anything like the rest of us, at some point this year you were scrolling through your favorite feed and passed an article about the latest severe weather event. The headline probably exclaimed something about the “worst storm on record” or “strongest storm in history”, and it was likely followed by some images of sheer destruction. We’ve all seen them. And again, if you are anything l


Have you ever been really cold? Like teeth-chattering, shivering like crazy, cold? Would you believe that, at that moment, you were suffering from mild hypothermia? If you are like most people, that probably sounds crazy. And for good reason. Except for people climbing huge mountains, or hiking in Alaska, hypothermia is just not something you’ve ever had to worry about. Right? Now, what if y


The following article was authored by Dennis P. Heathfield, Executive Director Inclusion, People with Disabilities and Veterans, Cummins Inc.  With the holiday season in full swing in many parts of the world, I wanted to stop for a minute to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities and reflect on the progress we’ve made toward Cummins’ Disability Inclusion initiative.

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