Part Number Cross Reference

Need your engine OEM’s part number to order Genuine Jake Brake® parts? Use our Part Number Cross-Reference tool to find your OEM or Jacobs part number.

Jake Brake parts can be purchased through your engine OEM or local service center. Jacobs common components may be available through multiple engine OEMs or independent distributors. Use the Jacobs part number in the Cross-Reference tool to find out where these parts can be purchased.

Are you wondering which Jake Brake goes with a particular engine model? You can find that information in our OEM-specific Application Guides.

Narrow the results by searching for full or partial part numbers. You can also narrow results by selecting the engine manufacturers in the dropdown list.

Engine OEM OEM Part Number Jacobs Part Number Part Name Where to Purchase Edit
CAT 143-2559 001023, 1023, 00-001023 RING RETAINING
CAT 2U-1479 001030, 1030, 00-001030 WASHER PLAIN
CAT 2U-1491 001081, 1081, 00-001081 SEAL RING UPPER
CAT 2U-1492 001082, 1082, 00-001082 SEAL RING - CENTER
CAT 2U-1493 001083, 1083, 00-001083 SEAL RING - LOWER
CAT 143-2561 001180, 1180, 00-001180 COVER SWITCH
CAT 143-2562 001244, 1244, 00-001244 SCR TAPPING #6-32 X 1.00
CAT 2U-1478 001265, 1265, 00-001265 BUTTON HD SCR 1/4-20 X .50 LG
CAT 143-6549 001304, 1304, 00-001304 SWITCH TOGGLE DASH CONTROL
CAT 155-5586 001305, 1305, 00-001305 PLATE DASHBOARD CONTROL SWITCH
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