Power Onward: S1E4 - The real driving force behind trucking
By Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader

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The food we buy, the goods we use, the products we rely on, none of it just appears. Behind every shipment, every truck on the road, and every delivery is a network of people making it happen.
In this episode, Kim N. chats with Sydney H. to talk about the human side of trucking. They explore how truck drivers, engineers, and logistics experts work together to keep the world moving, why sustainability and reliability matter in the industry, and the role Cummins Inc. plays in powering everything from big rigs to street sweepers.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How Cummins engines power the trucks that move our world
- Why trucking is about more than just machinery
- How organizations like Women in Trucking are shaping the future of the industry
- Steering success: Cummins named Top Company for Women to Work in Transportation
- Carrot king calls the shots: Powering haulage efficiencies to new levels
- Pick of the crop: 1000th Cummins Engine for family company Goldacres
- The legacy in Jason Cocks’ repower of his 22-year-old Kenworth
- Knight Transportation, Cummins and Clean Energy demonstrate potential of ultra-low carbon fuel through Cummins X15N Natural Gas powertrains in California
- The future of commercial transportation
- How has the development of Cummins HELM™ platforms changed?
- Cummins X15: Performance and efficiency for Mesilla Valley Transportation
- The next generation of the Cummins X15 Engine
Additional resources
- Cummins 2027 X15 diesel on display at TMC
- Rising to the challenge: Cummins 2027 X15
- Cummins truck engines: Power for every application
- Cummins On-Highway engines
- The X15 legacy: 25 years of innovation
(00:00) Introductions
(00:37) Sydney’s journey into the trucking world
(02:06) Breaking barriers as a woman in trucking
(03:29) The hidden supply chain behind groceries
(05:52) How Cummins powers the trucks we rely on
(08:42) Performance, reliability, and sustainability in trucking
(11:28) The human impact behind every shipment
(16:11) Advancing women’s careers in transportation
Episode Transcript
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Show ID [00:00:31]:
Kim [00:00:31]:
Hi, I'm Kim.
Sydney [00:00:32]:
Hi, I'm Sydney.
Kim [00:00:33]:
Hi, Sydney. Thanks so much for coming on the show today.
Sydney [00:00:36]:
Thank you so much for having me. Kim.
Kim [00:00:37]:
I know and I've heard a lot that you're just crazy passionate about trucking, women in trucking, all things trucking. So why don't you start by telling me a little bit more about yourself?
Sydney [00:00:47]:
Yeah, it's a trucker's life for me, Kim. I'll go back to being in college. So I went to iu. While I was at iu, I interned with a company who was actually a customer of Cummins. And I had no clue that they had that relationship. I ultimately wanted to do something a little bit different than the internship that I did have. So I was looking for jobs. I was applying for jobs like crazy.
Sydney [00:01:16]:
There was a point during winter break where I was applying like 10 jobs per day. And then one day out of nowhere, the director of our department reached out to me through LinkedIn and she said, I like your LinkedIn profile would be, would you be interested in coming in the interview? And I said, sure. And then about four or five interviews later, I got the full time offer and I signed my life away to Cummins. And I've been with a company now for almost three years. I'll hit my three years mark in June. And yes, as you mentioned, I'm very passionate about trucking and Cummins. But my love for trucking has stemmed through, through the welcomeness of this industry.
Kim [00:01:59]:
What do you mean by that?
Sydney [00:02:01]:
So thinking that, no, just in all honesty, that this is a male dominated field.
Kim [00:02:06]:
Sydney [00:02:06]:
Especially within sales, you've got just a lot of men. So I remember my first trade show that I went to. I went with my manager. Great guy. Shout out Steve. I went with my manager and I was nervous because I was like, none of these people really look like me. Like a majority of them do not reflect me on the outside. So I was, I was a little bit nervous.
Sydney [00:02:32]:
But, Kim, the friendliness and the welcomeness that I was met with was unmatched than anything that I had ever experienced before. People within this industry are so kind and so genuine and truly care about their vehicle and their goods that they're transporting. When I was at that show for the very first time, I saw how nice everybody was, especially being young. And you have people who have been in this industry for Years and years.
Kim [00:03:03]:
Normally intimidating.
Sydney [00:03:05]:
Exactly, Exactly. They're seasoned vets. They'll just come up and walk up to me and start a conversation. That friendliness and that warmness is why I am entered into the trucking industry. And it's ultimately why I'm still here.
Kim [00:03:21]:
Today. We're gonna take a stroll down the grocery aisle. I'm gonna lay this down. You let me know if you smell what I'm cooking.
Sydney [00:03:29]:
Of course.
Kim [00:03:29]:
Of course. All right, so the groceries in your cart didn't just appear there. That avocado, that gallon of milk, that carton of eggs, each one of these things traveled thousands of miles before landing on the shelf. We rarely stop to think, though, how did this all even get here? But behind every item is an invisible network of farmers, truckers, and vehicles. This is like a whole entire ecosystem. It's linking together our entire food supply chain. And we're trying to think through the entire process of how that gets there, how that's made possible. For me, it's humbling to kind of realize, like, how many hands it takes to provide a meal for my family and how it all comes together.
Kim [00:04:10]:
So, Sydney, can you help us break down how it all comes together?
Sydney [00:04:15]:
That is a loaded question. But I will do my absolute best to try to break it down. So first and foremost, gotta say that as someone who works at Cummins, I truly believe in the company. I truly believe in what we're doing. I truly believe that we are powering a more prosperous world. And we do that through a variety of ways. And one of the ways that you mentioned is by transporting the goods that people actually ultimately eat and consume and making sure that we're being there for those families and those loved ones and those people that need that food so they can get that nutrients and then go on to their next day. One of the most cool facts that I like to share with people who are not really familiar with Cummins, but you want to find out where we are.
Sydney [00:05:00]:
So I have to say that Cummins is everywhere, right? We are everywhere. You just have to look for us. So one example is you're driving down the highway, and if you're in the fast lane majority of the time, like I am, what you can do is you can actually look to the right and you'll see a semi truck driving on the right side in the slow lane, right? And you can actually see if it's Cummins power. The way that you can tell is you look on the driver side door and there's a Cummins badge on there. And that's an indicator that you can tell that, hey, that truck has a Cummin C on it. Hey, we're powering whatever freight or whatever goods are within that truck itself. So it's really nice to see, like anytime when I'm driving on the street and I look over to see a semi to have that ability to know that Cummins is in that truck. We are the reason that that good is getting from point A to point B.
Sydney [00:05:52]:
Whether it's food, like you mentioned, going to the grocery store or if we're hauling, I don't know, the most precious cargo that we have, children. That's the thing about Cummins is that we're in everything. So I mentioned we're in big semi trucks. This is specifically for the truck market. We're in big semi trucks
all the way down to our Ram. Heavy duty trucks that are Powered by Cummins 6.7 Turbo OffTurbo diesel.
Kim [00:06:18]:
I know what you mean. There are times that I'm driving and I do see that emblem, that badge, and there's a sense of pride that comes into it. Like, oh, wow, I had no idea. Like I wonder what's in there. And it's almost like it picks my curiosity and I'm like, you know what? My daily commute just got a little bit more exciting because now I'm thinking about what possibilities are being powered through that truck. Right. And given that we were talking a lot about trucking and that, I feel like there's got to be some factors. What do these companies, businesses and drivers like what are the factors they should keep in mind or why do they come to Cummins for trucking?
Sydney [00:06:49]:
I would say first and foremost, sustainability. Everything that we do at Cummins has the forefront purpose of powering a more prosperous world and helping our fleets to develop solutions that will ultimately help them meet their environmental sustainability goals. Right. Carry about the environment a lot. Second priority is then providing that performance and reliability that our customers have come to love and know. So I don't want to get too deep into the product. It's hard to. But X15 for you guys, X15 is our bread and butter.
Sydney [00:07:27]:
That's how we earn the majority of our revenue. That's what makes Cummins. Cummins is the X15 within the EBU, that application. So we power everything from the, you know, those Ram 2,500 to 3,500 pickup trucks with our 6.7 liter turbo diesel all the way up to those big semi trucks hauling freight that you see on the road. Exactly. There's a whole Range. And in the middle of that we have the vocational segment. So a lot of what Cummins does is we help power people to do their jobs.
Kim [00:08:03]:
Sydney [00:08:04]:
We are very big in the vocational segment. So, you know, waste management trucks, we are in those, you know, those little sweeper trucks that clean up the street.
Kim [00:08:13]:
The street sweepers.
Sydney [00:08:14]:
Exactly. We're in those. We're in yard spotters. There's a variety of applications that we support. So I just want to hit home the fact that, hey, we're in everything again. We're in this, we're in X, we're in Y and we're in Z. I.
Kim [00:08:30]:
Feel like I learned something every time we talk because there are just so many facets that. So many touch points.
Sydney [00:08:35]:
Kim [00:08:35]:
That it's so hard to grasp it all. But when you're putting it like this, it really showcases that full breadth of technology that's possible.
Sydney [00:08:42]:
What we're doing right now is we're trying to take this kind of X15 product that has been in the market for years and years now, and we're trying to create a new iteration of that existing platform. Also keeping in mind that we have the performance, power and reliability to help you get to your next place.
Kim [00:09:05]:
I like that. It's like you're taking the DNA of something that has been tried and trued, ultra successful, but kind of innovating and optimizing it, I guess, the obstacles that are to come.
Sydney [00:09:15]:
Right, Exactly.
Kim [00:09:16]:
Got it. That is so interesting. And I think about like, you know, fuel efficiency and all these other factors that you've had said. But something that we talked about earlier, you were talking about the communities and the families, like, tell me more about the human aspect. I feel prideful, but I'm also quite far removed from like the engine business unit or the ebu, as you mentioned. In my head, I'm like, I'm looking at this avocado. Who has touched this avocado before me. I think I'm handpicking this, but it's been handpicked and transported from one hand to another for so long.
Kim [00:09:45]:
So maybe it's more of like the connection between the truck drivers, the farmers, maybe the communities or, you know, I'll let you expand upon that, how you see that, but that's kind of what I was thinking.
Sydney [00:09:55]:
That's great. So when you're seeing a semi truck drive down the road, again, got a plug that we're not just engines, baby, we got it all. But when you see a truck driving down the road, be very mindful of what that truck is carrying. So we haul a whole bunch of stuff. And sometimes we have companies who haul a whole range of products. So it could be lays chips, it could be, I don't know, kids, toys, clothes. It's a whole variety of things. And to your point, that process, when you go into the store and when you pick up your Apple or your avocado, you gotta know that many people have touched it, not touched it.
Sydney [00:10:44]:
You know what I'm saying? I'm not saying like everybody's touching your avocado, but there's been multiple points in getting that avocado ultimately to your hands. So if we back up and we then say, okay, I've got the avocado, how did the avocado get here? I had a Cummins powered X15 truck deliver it. What was the journey that they made? So for our market specifically, we have regional haul and then we have line hall. Regional hall is you're staying within your region, so there's no sleeping overnight or driving overnight. You basically go out, you drive, and then you go back to your domicile location. On the other end of that is line hall. And line hall, those people are the trucks that you see have the bigger cab in the back. We call those sleepers.
Sydney [00:11:28]:
So those have beds in them. So our drivers can of course get some sleep if they need to. So if it's a situation where it's more like line haul, then it's the endless possibilities of where that truck has been, where that truck is gone, where that truck is going to, is a testament to the power that Cummins has and the willingness that we have to. No matter what good that you have, we will be there for you to provide that reliability and performance to ultimately help you get from point A to point B. Whether it's coming from a warehouse to get to the Walmart store to get your products, or a whole variety of things in the touch points that you see along the way. Cummins. Cummins is there. You just, again, you gotta look for us.
Kim [00:12:14]:
I know you're, you're painting this picture. And now I feel like every time I'm on, I'm on the highway, I want to look around and see what else is there.
Sydney [00:12:20]:
Yeah, you have.
Kim [00:12:20]:
What am I missing?
Sydney [00:12:22]:
I like the metaphor that you use of like when you're picking up an avocado, you gotta know that there's been many touch points and there's many. There's a process, right, put in place in order to make sure that you have that food and that product that you need in order to go home. At the end of the day, I.
Kim [00:12:37]:
Love that there's again the reassurance, reliability. It's the peace of mind that really, really hammers that point home.
Sydney [00:12:42]:
Exactly. And it's about the people, right? It's about the people at the end of the day. And Cummins is a company that I truly believe that we champion our people and when we find good people, we keep them. Right?
Kim [00:12:52]:
Yes, definitely. And I, you know, I think a lot of that gets lost. We're in the hustle and bustle. Everyone's got their own, you know, their day to day that they go through. But I think at the end of the day, knowing that it's not just for the truck, it's not just for a piece of machinery and equipment. It's for the people that are operating machines and equipment and the people that they come home to, their families, their friends or communities, it's very powerful. Thank you for sharing that.
Sydney [00:13:14]:
Of course, of course.
Kim [00:13:15]:
So you paint this beautiful picture of what it's like to be in a car and see these different trucks and these buses and knowing that we're transporting a variety of things from people to goods and everything in between. So what's one thing you want people to remember the next time they see a commons truck on the highway?
Sydney [00:13:33]:
We have had the opportunity to develop a presence in the market where we are known as being reliable and we are known as being the high performers. So if I had to say one thing. So when you're driving down, you know, 31 south or wherever your interstate is, and you look to the right and you see that that truck is Cummins powered, just know that that good is going to get there. Whatever needs to be delivered will be delivered. Whatever good item, food, piece, whether it's a batch of avocados or it's a school of kids like, you just have to know that we have the reliability to get that person from point A to point B. And if there's something that goes wrong along the way, that Cummins is going to be there for that person no matter what, that we have the network and we have the connections available to minimize downtime and maximize uptime for that customer. Next time you're driving on the highway, look to the right and if you see a come and see on the driver's side door, just know that we are powering that truck.
Kim [00:14:35]:
And earlier you had mentioned, we tend to forget about the people operating these machines, these trucks. Why do you think that's the case? Why do we end up forgetting that there's someone behind the wheel of these street sweepers and these waste management trucks.
Sydney [00:14:49]:
I think as a human race, to sometimes step back and say, let me think about all of the touch points that this product went through to get there. So an engine, for example, that engine that goes in that truck spends years of testing, just years and years of testing in different environments and different applications and making sure.
Kim [00:15:12]:
Fail safe.
Sydney [00:15:13]:
Exactly. And making sure that that product is quality assured and confirmed and approved to go out ultimately to that customer. So at cummins, we have teams, specific engineering teams, who are working day in and day out to make sure that that product that ultimately goes into that truck is tested and proven it's reliable. And then last but not least, it provides the performance that people need at the end of the day.
Kim [00:15:41]:
I love that because at the end of the day, every mission matters.
Sydney [00:15:43]:
Exactly. Exactly.
Kim [00:15:45]:
Very comforting. I feel like it's nothing that I worry about because I know that I will find groceries no matter what. Well, for the most part, mine is eggs right now. But I think what's nice to know is, like that the sense of comfort building, knowing that it will be there, and it's a peace of mind, and I think that's really, really valuable. I do want to take a moment to say I love being able to have these conversations with you, and I know that women in trucking is something you're super passionate about. So if you want to take a minute to plug it, please do.
Sydney [00:16:11]:
Yeah. Thank you so much. So women in trucking is a nonprofit organization that has the primary purpose of career advancement for women in the transportation industry. So we know as women that sometimes our representation isn't as much as in the male dominated field. So what this organization does is it partners with different companies like cummins. We actually have a partnership with women in trucking to really focus in on the specific opportunities that are not available to women today so we can make them available to women tomorrow. We went to the show last year. We participated in a panel where we were actually able to share with the audience how you could go from a service technician all the way up to a general manager so that leadership discussion.
Sydney [00:16:54]:
And we also had a booth where we exhibited an interactive wall where we were inviting women to share their advice on career opportunities for the future and then what excites them about the future in transportation industry. So thank you for. Thank you for letting me plug women in trucking. But I just have to know that there's a great organization to be a part of, even if you're not interested in contributing
and executing, then we love to have additional thought partnership and it be great to have additional volunteers. So Gotta love women in trucking.
Kim [00:17:27]:
Well, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to share this, Sid. I mean, who knew? But now we do.
Sydney [00:17:33]:
Now we do. Now we do.
Kim [00:17:35]:
All right, so what's the big idea for this episode? Next time you grab a fresh produce at the store or sit down for a meal, think. Think about the journey that your food is taking to get there. Behind every banana, every loaf of bread, every carton of eggs is a network of hardworking farmers, truck drivers and engineers keeping things running. And the next time you pass by a truck on the highway, just remember it might be carrying your next meal.
Show ID [00:18:00]:
Power Onward. We immensely appreciate you for tuning into Power Onward. Your support means the world to us. If you enjoyed this episode, please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast platform. If you want to dig deeper on what we covered today, check out the show notes for additional links or go to cummins.com/podcast until next time, keep that spark alive and Power Onward.
Show ID [00:18:38]:
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Author Profiles

Cummins Inc., Global Power Technology Leader
Cummins Inc., a global power solutions leader, comprises five business segments – Components, Engine, Distribution, Power Systems, and Accelera by Cummins – supported by its global manufacturing and extensive service and support network, skilled workforce and vast technological expertise. Cummins is committed to its Destination Zero strategy – the company’s commitment to sustainability and helping its customers successfully navigate the energy transition with its broad portfolio of products. Cummins has approximately 69,900 employees and earned $3.9 billion on sales of $34.1 billion in 2024. See how Cummins is leading the world toward a future of smarter, cleaner power at www.cummins.com.
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