Cheryl Nelson, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson

Certified Broadcast Meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson is an Emmy-nominated and AP award-winning Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, TV Host, FEMA-Certified Instructor and Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins. You can visit Cheryl’s website at and follow her on Twitter and Facebook @CherylNelsonTV. 

24 Articles

As a natural disaster preparedness expert, I believe there is no better gift than the gift of safety. If “the storm of the century” was forecasted to affect your family or friends, wouldn’t you want them to be prepared? Believe it or not, there are actually some pretty cool preparedness gifts on the market. So, before you head out to the mall, check out my top five gifts to prepare your loved ones


Despite these measures, countless pets were still lost or abandoned in 2017 during one of the most damaging hurricane seasons in history. When extreme weather hits, pets can get loose, scared and lost. It’s often difficult to find them after. As you prepare for the severe weather conditions, don’t forget to plan for your pet’s safety. Prepping Before the Storm Put together your pet’s emer


As the first named storm of 2018, there was heavy rainfall and flash floods in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas. And this is just the beginning. After months of research, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center recently released their prediction for the 2018 hurricane season. The 2017 Atlantic Basin hurricane season was a busy one and scientists say we may be in store for another


The citizens of Puerto Rico were without power for months after Hurricane Maria left 80 percent of the island without power. Having a standby generator, like the Cummins QuietConnect Series, means all the power in your house can be restored automatically without gas – even when you’re not home.  Regardless of the forecast, it is important to prepare for hurricane season every year. Having


With the devastation a natural disaster can bring, making sure you are equipped with the proper materials and supplies is essential before a hurricane strikes. Purchasing a home generator is one of the most important ways you can prepare your home and family for hurricanes. Cheryl Nelson, Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins, was with the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) at the N


Check out these 10 tips from Cummins disaster prep expert and meteorologist Cheryl Nelson. 1. Have a shed or other secure storage location close by to store lightweight deck furniture in the event of high winds.  2. Make sure you have a backup plan for outdoor animals, including a way to trap and transport them if you have to evacuate. 3. Identify a place high off the ground and away


How do they differ? 1. Location, location, location.  Hurricanes form over the warm waters in the Atlantic Basin as tropical cyclones. Because tropical cyclones get their energy from the latent heat released from warm ocean waters, they are born with a warm core. Nor’Easters form when cold dry air from the north meets up with warm moist air from the south – creating a clash of air


Despite Punxsutawney Phil predicting six more weeks of winter, Mother Nature seems to disagree with the famous groundhog -- at least so far. While the recent chill has been confined to the northern plains, crocuses and daffodils are sprouting out of the ground in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic. Is this a sign of an early spring?  According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, not much


Here are four easy ways to better prepare yourself and your family for the next winter storm, and a short video with tips on how you can prepare for, and keep your family safe during harsh winter weather: 1. Know your risk. How prepared is your region for winter weather? How well do residents in your community drive on icy roads? Snow storms take more time to recuperate from in the south, be


The guide, downloadable here, provides seasonal advice for safely facing severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, high heat and winter storms, as well as general preparedness tips. In addition, we have specific tips for senior family members, children and pets in our infographic. While most people know to have water, batteries and canned goods on hand, there are many other critical steps to take when


Whether it’s making sure you are prepared for the heart of hurricane season, confirming you and your kids have a family-communicated disaster plan, or ensuring your home is ready for Old Man Winter, now is the time to get all your ducks in a row. To prepare the outside of your home, take a look around your property: Inspect your gutters and make sure they are clean so water can drain prop


Thankfully, Spring is finally here!  Our landscape will gradually change from brown to green and will fill with pops of color from various flowers blooming once again.  We’ll open our windows to let in fresh air and go out on walks to overload our senses with all that comes with Spring. However, as the snow melts and temperatures climb, we have to remember that Spring also brings severe

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